7. Install clamp ring onto retainer bolt (fig.
13-22). Back out setscrew to prevent assembly
8. Torque clamp ring to specified torque.
9. Verify arming wire guide is aligned with
suspension lugs of bomb body.
10. Apply specified torque to clamp ring setscrew
(fig. 13-22).
Computer Control Group Installation
Install the computer control group (CCG) as
1. Visually inspect CCG for physical damage.
2. Ensure thermal battery firing pin assembly
safety wire and pull-out pin are installed (fig. 13-23).
3. Ensure control section seal is installed.
4. Remove detector dome protective cover and
packing, inspect detector for cracks through the dome
thickness, portions of the dome missing, or abrasion that
prevents you from visually seeing the internal parts.
5. Inspect humidity detector ring inside of the
detector optic assembly for indication of moisture.
6. Ensure detector moves freely on gimbals.
7. Replace detector dome protective cover and
8. Position CCG on forward adapter (fig. 13-23),
and align thermal battery firing pin assembly with
arming wire guide on forward adapter.
9. Install four bolts through CCG mounting hole
and forward adapter. Apply specified torque to bolts.
The following 5.0-inch airborne rocket assembly
procedures are used when you load the LAU-10
airborne rocket launcher. The LAU-10 airborne rocket
launcher is discussed in chapter 2 of this TRAMAN. If
the rocket launcher is being reused, it must be sent to
AIMD for electrical checkout prior to loading.
The 5.0-inch rocket components maybe received as
follows: The rocket motors are preloaded in the 4-round
LAU-10 launcher, and the fuze and warhead are shipped
in separate shipping containers, or all rocket
components are shipped in separate authorized shipping
Unpacking Rocket Components
Rocket motors and other rocket components are
unpacked as discussed in the following steps:
Banding straps are under tension. You must
use care in cutting them to prevent injury.
1. Open wooden shipping crates by using hand
tools, such as shears or steel strap cutters. Cut or untwist
the securing wires from the metal containers with shears
or pliers. Remove the end pans from the launcher
shipping containers.
2. Keep all containers in a horizontal position
while opening them. During the assembly procedure,
keep the rocket warheads and motors in a horizontal
position. This decreases the possibility of accidents.
3. All retrograde items, such as metal boxes,
wooden boxes, spacers, and thread protectors, are
Figure 13-23.Computer control group installation.