bars welded to crossmembers of the frame providemounting holes for the various adapters. The front axleis steerable and equipped with a drawbar that has atowing eye on its end to couple the trailer to a towingvehicle. A pintle hook on the rear of the frame permitscoupling with another trailer. The wheels are equippedwith hydraulic service brakes. Mechanical parkingbrakes are provided on two of the four wheels.When it is equipped with adapters, you can use theMHU-126/M small munitions trailer to transport andload various weapons, stores, and equipment. Therecommended maximum towing speed is 15 miles perhour for a single trailer and 5 miles per hour for multipletrailers being towed in a train. The MHU-126/M has anSWL of 5,000 pounds.A/M 32K-4A SATS ROUGH TERRAINTRAILERThe A/M 32K-4A SATS rough terrain trailer (fig.9-60) is a transport vehicle that consists of a chassis anda lightweight, flatbed, aluminum body. The chassis hastwo axles and four single wheels that are equipped withpneumatic tires. A torque box provides strength andrigidity to the body. You can remove two sections of theA1.A2.A3.A4.A5.A6.A7.A8.A9.A10.Figure 9-60.—A/M 32K-4A SATS rough terrain trailer.nonskid flatbed to use a forklift truck to load and unloadthe trailer. The trailer is equipped with a tow bar,multiple leaf springs, service brakes, and parkingbrakes. The trailer has 12 cradle tie-down fittings tohold the weapon cradles securely on the bed.The A/M 32K-4A SATS rough terrain trailer is usedto transport air-launched weapons from an ammunitiondump to a SATS airstrip. You can operate it over veryrough terrain. It is normally used at advanced bases.REVIEW NUMBER 7 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Q1. THROUGH Q10.When using the forklift truck in rough terrain, pneumatictires should be used.The electric forklift truck has outriggers, which are rigid structures allowing it tocarry off-balance loads.The maximum capacity of the hand pallet truck is 4,000pounds.The Aero 33D/E bomb truck can lift loads to a height between 30and63inches.The SWL of the Aero 33D/E bomb truck is 4,000pounds.The Aero 62A tray adapter consists of arectangularmetaltraywithoneendopensotheAero21Cweaponskidcanbepushedontothebottomplate.By moving the drawbar, the front wheels of the Aero 33D/E can be rotated throughan arc of 84degrees.The maximum hydraulic pressure of the Aero 33D/E is 3,000psi.To overcome an imbalance condition when using the Aero 33D/E, theAero36Aoutriggerassemblyshould be used.The Aero33D has an electrical and a manual lift system, while the Aero 33E hasonly a manual lift system.9-42
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