cartridge; for example, 20MM HEI, 20MM TP, or 20MMHEI-T. The second line gives the cartridge designation;for example, M254, M55A2, or M220. The last lineconsists of a code number that identifies themanufacturer, interfix number, lot serial number, and yearof manufacture. The color of the letters has no meaning.Color CodingThe color codes for the M50-configured 20-mmammunition are listed in table 7-2. You can see exactlywhere colors are located on the projectile. Theprojectile (fig. 7-4) is divided into sections marked A,B, C, and D. The sections on the projectile match thecolor code to columns in the figure.By looking at table 7-2, you can identifyhigh-explosive incendiary-tracer round M242. First,find the projectile and its color code in column A. Then,look at section A of the projectile. This section of theprojectile isn’t painted; therefore, section A of theprojectile remains the natural color of the metal(copper). Look at column B and find the color forsection B. Refer to section B of the projectile. This areais painted yellow (high explosives), and section B1 ispainted red (incendiary). Use the same procedures forsections C and D. Also note the red T markings in thesection B area just outside of the B1 section. The red T,and in some cases orange T, shows the presence of anincendiary explosive (tracer).AMMUNITION CONTAINER M548The M548 container (fig. 7-5) is made of metal. Thelid is attached by quick-release latches at both ends.Figure 7-5.—Ammunition container M548 (typical).7-5
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