Figure 9-41.Aero 83A transport adapter.
tubular aluminum frame with a system of movable
MERs or two TERs. The adapters can be stacked two
suspension assemblies. The adapter is equipped with
four rack-attachment hooks adjusted to accept 14- or
30-inch suspension lugs. The adapter is equipped with
two tie-down straps to secure the load against the rubber
The Aero 83A transport adapter is used with the
Aero 58A skid adapter on the Aero 21C weapon skid for
transporting empty multiple ejector racks (MERs) and
triple ejector racks (TERs). One adapter can handle two
Figure 9-42.MXU-661/E skid platform adapter assembly.
high so four racks can be transported. Stack the adapters
by inserting the support pins of the upper adapter into
the stacking sockets of the lower adapter. Then mount
the adapter on the skid by inserting the Aero 83A
transport adapter support pins into the front and rear
sockets of the Aero 58A. The Aero 83A has an SWL of
5,000 pounds.
ASSEMBLY. The MXU-661/E skid platform adapter
assembly (fig. 9-42) consists of an aluminum platform
weldment, two side brackets with straps and buckles,
and four stud assemblies. Two skid platform adapter
assemblies are fastened to the side frames of the Aero
71A skid adapter.
One MXU-661/E skid platform
adapter assembly is located at each end of the Aero 71A
skid adapter and attached by means of a platform stud
The MXU-661/E adapter is used on the Aero 71A.
It is mounted on the front and rear parts of the Aero 58A
skid adapter. This forms a flatbed on the Aero 21C
weapon skid capable of holding and transporting up to
32 sonobuoys in containers.