F/A-18 gun system installation, 6-15
F-14 gun system installation, 6-17
Firing components, 5-10
acoustic, 5-10
magnetic type, 5-10
pressure, 5-10
Fleet optical scanning ammunition marking system
(FOSAMS), 17-1
FOSAMS reports, 17-3
FOSAMS system administrator, 17-2
system components, 17-1
FMU-139 (series) electronic bomb fuze, 1-16
FMU-140/B dispenser proximity fuze, 1-22
FMU-143E/B electric tail fuze, 1-16
Full-scale practice bombs, 1-47
laser guider training round (LGTR), 1-48
Full-scale practice bombs (BDU-45), 13-15
guided-bomb unit (GBU) assembly, 13-17
Fuze terminology, 1-1
Fuzes, 2-13
acceleration-deceleration fuzes, 2-15
impact firing fuzes, 2-15
mechanical time fuzes, 2-15
Hand-manipulated signaling devices, 4-1
Mk 13 Mod 0, 4-3
pyrotechnic pistols, 4-1
Mk 79 Mod 0, 4-3
Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
(HERO), 11-31
HERO-safe ordnance, 11-32
HERO-susceptible ordnance, 11-32
HERO-unsafe ordnance, 11-32
HERO emission control (EMCON) bill, 11-32
Hoisting bars, 9-8
Identification, 7-4
color coding, 7-5
lettering, 7-4
Intermediate maintenance, 6-18
proximity fuzes, 2-15
Lightning protection systems, 12-19
Guided bomb units, 1-36
airfoil group, 1-36
GBU-12, GBU-16, and GBU-10, 1-36
GBU-24B/B, 1-37
Guided missile launchers, 3-21
LAU-115, 3-27
LAU-116/A, 3-27
LAU-117/A, 3-28
LAu-118/A, 3-28
LAU-127, 3-30
LAU-132, 3-30
LAU-7/A, 3-22
LAU-92/A, 3-28
LAU-93/A, 3-30
Linkless ammunition loading system, 7-6
components, 7-6
Loaders, 9-43
LUU-2B/B, 4-7
M20 and M20A1 sensing element proximity fuze,
M61A1 automatic gun, 6-1
barrels, 6-3
breech-bolt assembly, 6-3
clearing sector assembly, 6-3
clearing solenoid assembly, 6-3
firing contact assembly, 6-3
guide bar, 6-3
lubricator assembly, 6-7