propulsion system. The maximum weight of the target,
including radar augmentation, IR flare, and scorer, is
559 pounds.
Scoring System
The AQM-37C missile target contains the antennas
and necessary interconnecting cables for the installation
of the AN/DRQ-4 transponder. The primary purpose of
the transponder is to receive a frequency-modulated
signal from the missile, convert the signal to a new
center frequency-modulated signal, and transmit the
new signal to the miss-distance measuring system
ground station.
The ground station receiver compares the shifted
frequency of the target signal with the reference
frequency of the strike missile signal. The outputs from
the ground station accurately measure the miss distance
between the target and the missile. The transponder is
installed only in a target that is used for a surface-to-air
missile with a telemetering head. The transponder is not
used in an air-to-air weapons system. Only one
telemetering missile at a time should be shot at a target.
After the first missile has destructed, a second shot may
be attempted if the target was not destroyed.
Aerodynamic Destruct System
The AQM-37C missile targets aerodynamic
destruct system causes the target to enter a spiral dive to
impact. This prevents the target from becoming a
hazard to other aircraft or impacting the ground in
undesired areas. The destruct system is activated by any
one of four conditions:
1. Flight timer setting (ground adjustable at
2-minute intervals after 4 minutes of flight time have
2. Off-course flight (more than 10-degree heading
deviation) for a period of 30 seconds or longer
3. Loss of electrical power or low-battery voltage
4. 12.5 seconds after jettison from the launching
For further details concerning the AQM-37C
missile target, you should refer to Manual Operational
Mission Planning Guide for Navy Model AQM-37C
Missile Target, NAVAIR 01-90TBA-1T. Procedures for
loading/unloading of the AQM-37C are contained in the
appropriate aircraft airborne weapons/stores loading
The BQM-74C/E target drone (fig. 8-9) is a high
midwing monoplane of conventional design with an
inverted-Y empennage.
The airframe is a modified
monocoque structure made of aluminum alloy and
The one-way reel mounted in the center section of the tow reel pod carries 2,000
feet of 3/16-inch cable or 5,000 feet of 1/8-inch cable on its spool.
The A/A47U-3A toW target launching system consists of an RMK-19A/A47U-3
reeling machine launcher, a PEK-84/A47U-3 reeling machine launcher control,
and applicable interconnecting cable assemblies.
The major difference between the A/A47U-3A and A/A47U-4 tow target reeling
machine-launcher systems is their weight and size.
The types of steel cables used in target towing are 3/32-inch, 7 by 7 cable;
1/8-inch, 7 by 19 cable; and 1/8-inch, 1 by 19 armored cable.
Cables are frequently inspected because continual use reduces its strength.
The Mk 8 target release ring is made of case-hardened steel alloy.
The Klein Chicago grip provides a means of transferring the target drag load
from the reel to a structural member of the towing aircraft.
The maximum load that can be applied to the Klein Chicago grip is 15,000