Figure 15-33.S-3 sonobuoy launch tube arrangement.
The distribution box provides the necessary
interface between the decoder and the bomb racks in
both auto (computer) and manual modes. The decoder
contains the necessary electronics for receiving
commands from the armament control panel for arming
and releasing bomb bay stations and transmitting station
status information.
Wing Store System
The wing store system consists of the units and
components necessary for carrying, arming, and
releasing external stores. The stores are suspended from
two wing stations (fig. 15-35)W5 (left) and W6 (right).
S-3 Pylon and Rack Assembly
The S-3 pylon and rack assembly consists of a pylon
supporting a BRU-11A/A ejector rack The rack is a
self-contained unit that performs all the functions of
carrying, arming, and releasing the stores. It is
controlled by the aircraft armament circuits. The pylon
provides structural attachment between the aircraft wing
and the rack. It also contains the necessary wiring and
components to connect the rack to release and status
indicating circuits.
SH-60B/F Helicopter
The search store system of SH-60 helicopters is less
complex than that of the P-3 and S-3 aircrafts, but it
serves the same purpose. The SH-60 has all weather
capabilities. The SH-60B is designed to operate off
frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Its primary missions
are detection, classification, localization, and
interdiction of surface ships and submarines. Its
secondary missions include communications relay,
vertical replenishment, search and rescue (SAR),
medevac, and fleet support. The SH-60F is designed to
replace the SH-3, and it operates off aircraft carriers.
The primary mission is close-in ASW protection for the
carrier battle group, and secondary missions include
SAR and plane guard. Both the SH-60B and SH-60F
are equipped with 25 sonobuoy launch tubes,
BRU-14/A bomb racks (2 on the SH-60B and 3 on the
SH-60F) for carriage of torpedoes. The SH-60F also
has air-to-surface missile capabilities. The various
models of the SH-60 helicopter (B, F) have different
configurations and capabilities.
List the three basic aircraft used by the Navy for
ASW operations.
The P-3 aircraft has ______ bomb bay stations.
What is the total number of unpressurized
sonobuoy launch chutes in a P-3 aircraft?
Three pressurize SLTs are used in P-3 aircraft.
What size SLTs are used?
Describe the numbering system of the P-3 bomb
bay stations.
You can mount
BRU-12/A racks on the
primary pylon assembly of a P-3 aircraft.
What rack and adapters are found in the P-3
aircraft wing launcher assembly?
What bomb rack or release unit is used with the
SH-60 helicopter?