Figure 7-25.-Pylon/rack assembly.
circuitry for control and release of search and kill
stores from the aircraft.
In the P-3C aircraft, system control is con-
centrated between the pilot and TACCO, with the
copilot and other crew members having minor control
functions. In the S-3A aircraft, the control is
concentrated between the TACCO and copilot. The
pilot and SENSO also have control functions
available. In both aircraft, the pilot has final control
over the release of stores through the master arm and
search power switches.
The basic operation of the release and control
systems of both aircraft are discussed in the following
text. Remember, this information is of a general
nature. For more detailed information, refer to the
aircrafts MIMs.
The systems primary mode of operation is the
automatic (on-line) mode. This mode uses the
computer, logic units, crew members keysets, bomb
bay rack lock panel (P-3C), multipurpose data
displays, pilots armament control panel (ACP), and
other displays and panels to control and monitor the
system. The manual mode uses the same com-
ponents, less the computer and logic units, through
the TACCOs manual weapon control box (P-3C) and
the main auto key select on the pilots ACP (S-3A).
AUTOMATIC MODE. The automatic mode
permits a method of search and kill store management
that allows maximum flexibility and control of the
system while minimizing the amount of necessary
manual action required by the aircrew.
In the
automatic mode, the system is designed to have the
computer and its subsystems perform the following
1. Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all stores
on the aircraft and provide weapon inventory that can
be called up for display on the TACCOs auxiliary
readout (P-3C) or any crew members MPD (S-3A).
2. Determine the availability of a selected
weapon and select the weapon station from which the
weapon is to be released (station priority).
3. Energize the armament system relays at the
proper time, in the proper sequence, and for the
proper time duration to accomplish a store release
under joint computer and operator control.
4. Instruct the operator, by cuing via a light
display or readout on the MPD, to perform a manual