System Operation and On board Maintenance PHM-3 Series,
S 9 P H M - A C - S H P - 0 3 0 / ( U ) PHM-3 CL, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 November 1991.
System Operation and On board Maintenance PHM-3 Series,
S 9 P H M - A C - S H P - 0 4 0 / ( U ) PHM-3 CL, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., 1 May 1991.
System Operation and On board Maintenance PHM-3 Series,
S 9 P H M - A C - S H P - 0 5 0 / ( U ) PHM-3 CL, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 November 1991.