the audible alarm test consists of a test of the horn and
bell. On the DDG-51 class ships, the audible alarm test
Circuit breaker control logic circuits
on the EPCC consists of a test of the horn and the buzzer.
The EPCC also has lamp test circuits for testing the
E l e c t r i c plant status and alarm monitoring
indicator lamps and LEDs.
You will use these audible tests to make sure the
M a l f u n c t i o n monitoring and display logic
audible alarm circuits are functioning properly. To
conduct these tests, depress the appropriate test push
button on the EPCC. This action will cause each audible
Generator and shore power performance
alarm circuit to sound its audible alarm.
monitoring circuits
The lamp test is conducted by depressing a LAMP
Having the knowledge of the major function areas
TEST push button or activating the STATUS/ALARM
o f the EPCC will ease your maintenance and
switch on the EPCC. This action will cause all the alarm
troubleshooting efforts.
and status lights to illuminate on the designated section,
allowing you to locate the burned out lamps on the
EPCC Maintenance
The ship control console (SCC) is located on the
bridge of DD-963, DDG-993, CG-47, and FFG-7 class
ships. On the FFG-7 class ships, the SCC is different
The EPCCs on gas turbine-powered ships are also
from the other SCCs but the primary function is the
c o m p l e x electronic components. Like the PACC,
same. The SCC contains the principle controls and
control and other electronic circuitry is packaged on
displays necessary to provide operator control of ship's
circuit card assemblies located in card racks inside the
speed and heading. It also contains circuits to control
consoles. The troubleshooting techniques you will use
navigation lights, steering gear, and auto steering (auto
for the PACC are also those you will use with the EPCC.
The EPCC also contains power distribution circuits and
Control of the gas turbines and the CRP/CPP must
be done in such a manner as to maintain safe operating
Since the generators run at a constant speed,
conditions. The SCC is constantly manned while the
frequent changes to the electric plant are not common.
ship is underway. Any malfunction that occurs to the
Consequently, malfunctions to the EPCC are not as
SCC is immediately noticed by the SCC operator. As a
noticeable as those on the PACC or PCC. Most problems
GSE, you will also maintain the SCC.
that occur to the EPCC will happen when the electric
load is shifted or another generator is started. For
example, after the generator is started, the voltage fails
SCC Testing
to increase. As a GSE, you will be called to investigate
t h i s problem. Always refer to the manufacturer's
technical manual whenever you perform maintenance
Testing of the SCC is normally performed by the
on the EPCC.
console operator. The tests on the SCC consist of a lamp
test and an audible alarm test. The SCC has lamp test
Your use of the technical manual is essential when
circuits for testing the indicator lamps and LEDs.
you are troubleshooting a problem or fault in the EPCC.
The EPCC has many circuits that interact with the
The audible alarm test is conducted by depressing
c i r c u i t s in the switchboards and other electric
the buzzer push button on the SCC. This action causes
c o m p o n e n t s . It would be impossible for you to
the audible alarm circuit to sound. The console operator
troubleshoot the EPCC without using the technical
will use this test to make sure the audible alarm circuits
manual. The EPCC technical manual, like the PACC
are functioning properly.
technical manual, is arranged according to major circuit
The lamp test is conducted by depressing a LAMP
function areas. Examples of major circuit function areas
TEST push button or activating the TEST switch. This
in the EPCC are as follows:
action causes the alarm and status lights to illuminate on
Generator start/stop control and status logic
the designated section, allowing you to locate the burned
out lamps on the console.