CHAPTER 1 GAS TURBINE ENGINE FUNDAMENTALSFigure 1-2.--da Vinci's chimney jack.Figure 1-5.--Free piston engine.GAS TURBINE ENGINE THEORYBASIC GTE OPERATION THEORYFigure 1-7.--Practical demonstration of GTE operations.Figure 1-8.--Convergent-divergent process.Figure 1-9.--GTE pressure-temperature-volume relationship.FACTORS AFFECTING ENGINE PERFORMANCECLASSIFICATION BY COMPRESSOR TYPEFigure 1-10.--Centrifugal compressors. A. Single entry. B. Dual entry.Figure 1-11.--Components of an axial-flow compressor. A. Rotor. B. Stator.Figure 1-13.--Rotor blades.Figure 1-14.--Blade with squealer tip.Figure 1-15.--Large engine compressor rotor with midspan platforms.Figure 1-16.--Compressor surge.Figure 1-17.--Can-type combustion chamber.Figure 1-19.--Can-annular type of combustion chamber.CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE OF SHAFTINGFigure 1-22.--Twin-spool engine.Figure 1-25.--Turbine nozzle assemblies. A. Loose-fitting vanes. B. Welded vanes.Figure 1-26.--First-stage GG turbine nozzle cooling.Figure 1-27.--Cooling comparisons between a nonair-cooled vane and an air-cooled vane.Figure 1-30.--GG turbine rotor cooling airflow.Figure 1-31.--GG turbine rotor blade cooling.GAS TURBINE ENGINE AUXILIARY SYSTEMSFigure 1-34.--Typical air seals.FUEL OIL SYSTEMFigure 1-35.--Lubrication system schematic (typical).Figure 1-37.--Labyrinth/windback seal.Figure 1-39.--Typical starting sequence for a GTE.SPARK IGNITER SYSTEMSPARK IGNITER SYSTEM - ContinuedFigure 1-33. - LM2500 GTE airflow.Figure l-33A.--LM2500 GTE airflow.Figure l-33B.--LM2500 GTE airflow--Continued..Figure l-33C.--LM2500 GTE airflow--Continued.Figure 2-1.--Gas turbine assembly.Figure 2-2.--Gas turbine assembly (exploded view).Figure 2-3.--Base/enclosure assembly.Figure 2-4.--LM2500 GTE base frame and shock mounts (exploded view).Figure 2-5.--Gas turbine assembly mounting.Figure 2-6.--Block diagram and an exploded view of a UV flame detector.Figure 2-7.--Signal conditioner block diagram and typical signal conditioner unit.Figure 2-8.--Fire system temperature switches and manual switchesFigure 2-10.--FFG fire system block diagram.Figure 2-11.--GTE air inlet and exhaust.Figure 2-13.--High hat assembly.ENGINE REMOVAL SYSTEM.Figure 2-14.--FFG air intake system.EXHAUST SYSTEMSFigure 2-15.--DD exhaust duct systems.Figure 2-18.--FFG exhaust system.Figure 2-19.--Gas turbine module cooling.Figure 2-20.--FFG cooling system.Figure 2-21.--LM2500 GTE inlet (FOD screen, centerbody (bulletnose), and bellmouth).Figure 2-23.--Compressor front frame.Figure 2-24.--Compressor rotor.Figure 2-25.--Compressor stator.Figure 2-26.--Compressor rear frame.Figure 2-27.--LM2500 GTE combustor.High-Pressure Turbine SectionFigure 2-31.--HP turbine rotor blade cooling.Figure 2-33.--Second-stage HP turbine nozzle.Figure 2-34.--Turbine mid frame.Figure 2-35.--Accessory drive section. A. Accessory gearbox. B. Aft view of accessory gearbox.Figure 2-37.--LM2500 GTE power turbine.Figure 2-38.--LP turbine rotor and stator.Figure 2-39.--PT rear frame.Figure 2-40.--LM2500 GTE start air system.FUEL AND SPEED-GOVERNING SYSTEMFigure 2-41.--LM2500 GTE fuel system. A. Cross-sectional view of the fuel pump. B. Fuel system block diagram,Figure 2-42.--Main fuel control.Figure 2-43.--Fuel shutdown valve.Compressor Inlet Temperature SensorFigure 2-45.--VSV actuator, cross-sectional view.Figure 2-46.--Lube oil system block diagram.Lube Oil System ComponentsFigure 2-48.--Lube and scavenge pump.Figure 2-49.--Lube supply filter.Figure 2-50.--Bearing sump.Figure 2-51.--Spark igniter.Figure 2-52.--Balance piston principle.ENGINE INSTRUMENTATIONFREE STANDING ELECTRONIC ENCLOSUREFigure 2-53.--FSEE on the CG-, DD-class ships.OVERSPEED SWITCH CONTROLFigure 2-55.--Simplified FFG FSEE power distribution.Figure 2-56.--Simplified CG, and DD FSEE power distribution.PLA ACTUATOR ELECTRONICSFigure 2-57.--PLA drive and fail-to-idle circuit.Figure 2-58.--Gas turbine simplified control loops.FSEE CIRCUITRY TESTSSTART/STOP SEQUENCERSTART/STOP SEQUENCER - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 SHIP'S SERVICE GAS TURBINE GENERATOR SETSFigure 3-1.--Model 104 GTGS.Figure 3-2.--GTGS interrelation with ship's systems.Figure 3-3.--GTGS ship's system interface connections.Figure 3-4.--GTGS enclosure-left side view.Figure 3-5.--GTGS water wash and CO2 systems.Figure 3-6.--GTGS intake, cooling, and exhaust systems.Module Cooling SystemFigure 3-7.--No. 3 exhaust configuration.GTGS FIRE STOP AND CO2 SYSTEMFigure 3-8.--Generator seawater service system.Figure 3-9.--Allison 501-K17 GTE. A. Overall view. B. Cutaway view.Figure 3-10.--Air inlet housing, IGV assembly, and compressor front frame assembly.Figure 3-11.--Allison 501-K17 compressor. A. Stator. B. Rotor.Figure 3-12.--Allison 501-K17 diffuser and 14th-stage stator vane assembly.Figure 3-13.--Allision 501-K17 combustion section.Figure 3-14.--Allison 501-K17 turbine section.Figure 3-15.--Allison 501-K17 accessory drive housing.Figure 3-16.--Ignition system components.Figure 3-17.--Allison 501-K17 bleed air system.ENGINE FUEL SYSTEMFigure 3-18. - Model 104 fuel system flow diagramFigure 3-19. - Model 134 fuel system flow diagramFigure 3-20.--Fuel system components-bottom view of engine.Electrohydraulic Governor ActuatorCompressor Inlet Temperature/Compressor Discharge Pressure SensorFigure 3-21. - GTGS synthetic lube oil system flow diagram.Main Pressure and Scavenge Oil PumpFigure 3-22.--GTGS air start system.GTGS REDUCTION GEAR AND LUBE OIL SYSTEMSPEED GOVERNING SYSTEMMotor-Operated PotentiometerFigure 3-25.--Woodward 2301 governor functional diagram.Electrohydraulic Governor ActuatorFigure 3-26.--Woodward 9900-302 governor interface diagram.Electronic Fuel Control UnitFigure 3-27. - Model 139 governor control system functional diagram.FUEL LIMITER MODULEFINAL DRIVER MODULEFigure 3-28.--Generator lube oil system.Figure 3-29.--Model 104 voltage regulator functional diagram.GENERATOR FIELD EXCITATIONFigure 3-30.--Model 104 voltage regulation. A. Manual mode. B. Automatic mode.Figure 3-31 .--Model 139 voltage regulator functional diagram.Figure 3-32.--Model 139 voltage regulator.LOCAL OPERATING CONTROL PANELFigure 3-33.--Model 104 LOCOP. A. External view. B. Internal view.Turbine Start/Stop SequencingCPU, MEMORY, AND I/O INTERFACEFigure 3-34.--Model 139 LOCOP. A. External view. B. Internal view.ANALOG INPUT/MULTIPLEXER, ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC), AND DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER (DAC)ALLISON SPEED/TEMP CONTROL BOXCHAPTER 4 ENGINEERING AUXILIARY AND SUPPORT SYSTEMSLUBRICATING OILSProperties of Lube OilsFigure 4-1.--Typical LO system.LUBE OIL PURIFIERSCONTINUOUS METHODSTEM LUBE OIL FLOWLube Oil PumpsTemperature Regulating ValveFigure 4-2.--Liquid sight indicator.NAVAL DISTILLATE SYSTEMFigure 4-3.--Probe fueling system.Figure 4-4.--Piping diagram of a DD-class ship fill and transfer header.Figure 4-6.--DD-class ship fuel oil system.Fuel Oil Service SystemFigure 4-8.--Filter/coalescer assembly.Figure 4-9.--Piping diagram of a DD bleed air system in the forward engine room.ANTI-ICING AIR SYSTEMFigure 4-10.--FFG anti-icing system.Figure 4-11.--CG, and DD masker air system.COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMSFFG LOW-PRESSURE AIR SYSTEMDRAINAGE AND BALLAST SYSTEMSFigure 4-12.--Firemain diagram.FFG SEAWATER SYSTEMSSTEAM AND WASTE HEAT SYSTEMSAQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM SYSTEMCHAPTER 5 PACC AND PLCC FOR DD- AND CG-CLASS SHIPSRDCN GEAR LUBO SectionFigure 5-2.--PACC--engine No. 1 panel.FUEL OIL SectionFUEL OIL Section - ContinuedGTM 2B SectionGTM 2B Section - ContinuedGTM 2B Section - ContinuedMIMIC PANELFigure 5-3. - DD PACC MIMIC panelFigure 5-4. - CG PACC MIMIC panelFigure 5-5.--Main center section of the DD MIMIC panel.Main Center SectionMain Center Section - ContinuedPLA and VIBRATION Meters and MRG Mimic SectionLower Center SectionPACC AUXILIARY/BLEED AIR PANELFigure 5-6.--PACC-engine No. 2 panel.Figure 5-7.--DD PACC--auxiliary/bleed air panel.Figure 5-8.--CG PACC--auxiliary/bleed air panel.STEAM HEADER PRESS SectionFRESH WATER SectionSEWAGE and SEWAGE/WASTE SectionsDISTILLING SectionCHILLED WATER SectionPORT SHAFT PROPULSION DEMANDS SectionFigure 5-9. - Port shaft demands panel.2B EMERGENCY CONTROLS SectionGTM 2B START/GTM 2B STOP SectionENGINE ORDER TELEGRAPH (EOT) PANELFigure 5-10. - EOT PanelTHROTTLE TRANSFER SectionFigure 5-11.--Starboard shaft demands panel.Figure 5-12.--Bleed air control panel.INTEGRATED THROTTLE CONTROL PANELFigure 5-13.--ITC panel.Figure 5-14.--PLCC--major sections.Figure 5-15.--GTM B panel.EMERGENCY CONTROLS SectionFigure 5-16.--GTM A/B panel.Figure 5-17.--GTM A panel.Figure 5-18.--Self test panel.START/STOP SELF TEST SectionALARM ACKNOWLEDGE SectionENGINE ORDER TELEGRAPH Section - ContinuedFigure 5-20.--Alarm test panel.Figure 5-21.--PLA (throttle) and PITCH control levers.PLA AND PITCH CONTROL LEVERSCHAPTER 6 PCC AND LOP FOR FFG-CLASS SHIPSFigure 6-1.--PCC panel breakdown.Figure 6-2.--PCC fuse panel.Figure 6-3.--PCC status and fuse panel.Figure 6-4.--Engine start panel 1B.SEQUENCER MODE SELECTOR SWITCHFigure 6-5.--Demands panel.Figure 6-6.--Main seawater cooling panel.Figure 6-7.--Engine 1B panel.TORQUE LIMITING IN EFFECTTORQUE LIMITING IN EFFECT - ContinuedEMERGENCY STOP AND VIBRATION SECTIONENGINE LUBE OIL SECTIONPOWER TURBINE SECTIONFuel Oil Service System PanelFigure 6-8.--Fuel oil service system panel.Figure 6-9.--Gear lube oil panel.Figure 6-10. - Propulsion control panel.ENGINE ORDER TELEGRAPH (EOT) SECTIONSHAFT PERFORMANCE MONITORING SECTIONSHAFT PERFORMANCE MONITORING - ContinuedMODE SETTING AND REDUCTION GEAR MONITORING SECTIONSHAFT CONTROL SECTIONSOperational Adjustments PanelProgrammed Control ModeRemote Manual ModeFigure 6-12.--LOP controls and displays.Figure 6-13. - Local operating station instrumentation panel.LOCAL OPERATING STATION INSTRUMENT PANELFigure 6-14.--LOP top panel.Figure 6-14.--LOP top panel--Continued.ENCLOSURE SectionGAS GENERATOR SectionSEAWATER COOLING SUPPLY PRESSURE and REDUCTION GEAR LUBE OIL REMOTE BEARING PRESSURE MetersLOP STATUS PANELLOP BOTTOM PANELFigure 6-17.--LOP fuse panel.CHAPTER 7 MACHINERY CONTROL SYSTEM FOR DDG-51 CLASS SHIPSFigure 7-1. DDG-51 machinery control systemFigure 7-2.--Overall view of the EOOW/LU (door removed).Bubble Memory SectionFigure 7-3.--AN/USH-26 front panel controls and indicators (door removed).Plasma Display SectionFigure 7-4.--Plasma display keyboard.PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY CONTROL CONSOLEPROPULSION MONITOR PANEL (Al)Figure 7-6.--A1 panel propulsion section.Figure 7-6.--A1 panel propulsion section--Continued.STARTING AIR SUBSECTIONREDUCTION GEAR SUBSECTIONTHRUST/AUXILIARY PANEL (A2)PROP HYDRAULICSThrust Setting SectionControl Location SectionSHAFT CONTROL UNITTHRUST AUXILIARY PANEL (A2)Figure 7-9.--SCU propulsion monitor panel.Figure 7-9.--SCU propulsion monitor panel--Continued.Figure 7-10.--SCU thrust/auxiliary panel.HORIZONTAL KEYBOARD PANELELECTRIC PLANT CONTROL CONSOLE (DD-CLASS SHIPS)Figure 8-2.--ALARM/STATUS panel.GAS TURBINE AND REDUCTION GEAR COLUMNEMERGENCY POWER SectionGAS TURBINE GENERATORS DEMAND DISPLAY SectionGENERATOR STATUS PANELFigure 8-3.--Generator status panel.Circuit Breaker Switches/IndicatorsFigure 8-4.--MIMIC panel.Gas Turbine Start Mode SelectorSYSTEM CONTROL PANELFigure 8-5.--System control panel.BUS TIE & SWBD VOLTAGE SELECT SectionFREQUENCY SWITCHLOGIC SELF TEST SectionStandard Parallel-Plant ConfigurationsFigure 8-6.--EPCC (CG- and DDG-class ships.)Figure 8-7.--Alarm/status panel.Generator and Gas Turbine Lube Oil Meters SectionFigure 8-8.--400-Hz alarm/status panel.400 HZ GROUND DETECT SectionFigure 8-9.--MIMIC panel.Figure 8-10.--System control panel.Figure 8-11.--400-Hz MIMIC panel.Converter Control SectionFigure 8-12.--EPCC (FFG-class ships).Figure 8-13.--Engine fuel systems panel (A-l).Figure 8-14.--SCS/synchronization/paralleling/parameters panel (A-2).SUPERVISORY CONTROL STATUS SectionSYNCHRONIZATION SectionCONSOLE POWER STATUS/ CONSOLE/VITAL POWER FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER STATUS PANEL (A-3)Figure 8-15.--CONSOLE POWER STATUS/CONSOLE/VITAL POWER FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER STATUS panel (A-3).VITAL POWER FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER STATUS SectionFigure 8-16.--SSDG panel (A-4).Figure 8-17. - SSDG OUTPUT AND DISTRIBUTION panel (A-5).Voltage Regulator Control SectionSYSTEM OUTPUT MONITOR/GROUND STATUS TEST/GENERATOR 4 PANEL (A-6)Figure 8-18.--SYSTEM OUTPUT MONITOR/GROUND STATUS TEST/GENERATOR 4 panel (A-6).Figure 8-19.--SSDG panel (A-7).Exhaust Temperature SectionFigure 8-20.--SSDG OUTPUT AND DISTRIBUTION panel (A-8).Circuit Breaker Control and Switchboard Control SectionsFigure 8-21.--SHORE POWER/GENERATORS panel (A-9).ELECTRIC PLANT CONTROL CONSOLE (DDG-51 CLASS SHIP)Figure 8-22.--EPCC (DDG-51 class ships).Figure 8-23. - Output monitor panel (A-1).SUMMARY ALARMS SectionPOWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION SectionSYNCHRONIZATION SectionFigure 8-24. - Distribution panel (A-2)Alarm Acknowledge SectionLOAD SHEDDING SectionSynchronization SectionCHAPTER 9 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT AND CONSOLESFigure 9-1.--DD monitor and control panel.DEMAND DISPLAY SECTIONTREND LOGGING SECTIONFigure 9-2.--ECU test panel.Figure 9-3.--CISE self-test panel.Figure 9-4.--S/CE No. 2 and S/CE No. 3 self-test panel.Figure 9-5.--Line printer.Figure 9-6.--Fuel system control console.Figure 9-7.--Fuel system control console--component location.Figure 9-8.--Fuel oil fill and transfer panel.Figure 9-10.--Fuel oil transfer section.Fuel Oil Transfer SectionFigure 9-11.--JP-5 control panel (FSCC).Figure 9-12.--Fuel system control console--rear view.Figure 9-13.--Fuel oil transfer local panel.Figure 9-14.--Fuel oil and JP-5 local control panels--component location.Figure 9-15.--Fuel oil transfer local panel No. 1.Figure 9-16.--JP-5 local control panel.Figure 9-17.--Damage control console (DD-963 class).Figure 9-18.--DCC hazard detection panel (DD-963 class).FIREMAIN CONTROL PANELFigure 9-19. - DCC fireman control panel (DD-963 class)FIREMAIN CONTROL PANEL - ContinuedFIREMAIN CONTROL PANEL - ContinuedRear Panel (Back of Console)Figure 9-20.--Damage control console component location.AUXILIARY CONTROL CONSOLEFigure 9-22.--ACC top panel.CONSOLE POWER STATUS SectionFuel Filling, Transfer, and Purification System SectionChilled Water Circulating System SectionWaste Heat Water Circulating Systems SectionMain Engines Starting Air System SectionProcessor Generated AlarmShip's Stores Refrigeration Plants SectionPotable Water System SectionMasker, Prairie/Fin Stabilizer, and Bleed Air Systems SectionSewage Disposal System SectionSaltwater Service System SectionDrainage System SectionDAMAGE CONTROL CONSOLE FOR THE FFG-7 CLASS SHIPSFigure 9-26.--DCC upper panel.Miscellaneous Fire Fighting SectionAlarm and Detection SectionVentilation SectionDCC LOWER PANELBELL AND DATA LOGGERSFigure 9-28.--Data logger with sample printout.Figure 9-30.--Damage control console (DDG-51).Figure 9-31.--Firemain panel.Alarm AcknowledgeREPAIR STATION CONSOLEVERTICAL PANELFigure 9-34.--Firemain panel.Figure 9-36.--Firemain valve panel.DATA MULTIPLEX SYSTEMFigure 9-37.--DDG-51 DMS configuration.Figure 9-38.--DMS/MCS communication paths.DMS COMMUNICATION TESTAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARYAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - Continued