several types
Figure 1-2.Aircraft egress, pilot chute deployed, and main canopy free of container.
of ejection systems used in modern
naval aircraft. For example, the ejection sequence
of the Mk GRU-7 is as follows:
1. Initial ejection.
2. Drogue gun fires.
3. Controller drogue deploys.
4. Stabilizer drogue deploys.
5. Main parachute deploys and a normal
parachute descent is made.
From the experimental devices of the early
Chinese through the seat ejection systems of
today, you can view the evolution of the
parachute. If you consider this development as
a window through which you can see solutions
to the escape problems of the fliers of the space
shuttle or other advanced craft, then this history
is just the end of the beginning.
A parachute appears somewhat similar to a
giant umbrella. By offering a large air-resisting
or drag surface, the parachute, when opened,
provides the deceleration necessary to allow for
the safe descent of an aircrewman. In each
parachute jump a sequence of events, shown in
figure 1-2, takes place. After the parachutist clears
the aircraft, he pulls the ripcord. The ripcord pins
are removed from the locking cones, permitting
the grommets to separate from the locking cones.
The container spring opening bands pull the side
and end flaps apart allowing the pilot chute to
spring beyond the negative pressure area im-
mediately above the falling body. This results
in its getting a better bite on the surrounding
air, thus speeding the opening of the canopy.
The aircrewman falling away from the pilot
parachute causes the main canopy to be pulled
from the container assembly, followed by the
suspension lines. The canopy begins to fill with
air during this operation.
The ties on the risers break as the load is
applied. The lift webs are then pulled from the
container while the canopy fully opens; at this
point the parachutist receives the opening shock as