mouthpiece in a clockwise direction. The 3/8-inch
oral inflation tube is cemented to the valve at one
end, and at the other end, it has a molded flange
that is cemented to the flotation tube.
Boarding Handles
Five handles are provided as aids for boarding
the raft.
Ballast Bags
Ballast bags, installed at two locations, are
required to increase the raft stability, to prevent
the raft from becoming airborne during helicopter
pickup, and to aid in boarding the raft.
The weathershield is used to protect the
survivor from adverse weather.
Sea Anchor
The sea anchor is used to keep the inflated raft
from drifting. The sea anchor is tied to the raft
mooring line with type III nylon line, using a
bowline knot; the other end is tied to the sea
anchor mooring patch with a bowline knot. The
bitter ends of both knots are seared and completed
with an overhand knot to prevent them from
untying. Before tying the knots, the ends of the
nylon line are heat fused to prevent fraying.
Sea Anchor Pocket
The purpose of the sea anchor pocket is to
prevent survivors from getting tangled up in the
sea anchor line while boarding the raft. Downed
aircrewmen should remove the sea anchor from
the pocket and cast the anchor adrift immediately
after boarding the raft.
Securing Line
The securing line is 5 feet of nylon cord. It
secures the raft to the raft container, to prevent
loss of the survival items.
The nylon cord is inserted through the
webbing loop on the sea anchor mooring patch
and secured with a bowline knot, followed by an
overhand knot. The free end is secured to the raft
container during the raft packing.
Retaining Line
A nylon webbing retaining line 1 inch wide and
6 1/2 feet long is used to secure the raft to the
user. One end of the retaining line is equipped
with a snap hook. The other end is secured to the
C O2 cylinder neck by passing the end of the
retaining line with the loop formed in it around
the coupling nut between the raft and the infla-
tion assembly. The end of the line containing the
snap hook is then passed through the loop and
pulled up tight.
Survival Items
The LR-1 packaged assemblies requiring
survival items are equipped with the items listed
in table 6-6. These items are packed in either the
Table 6-6.LR-1 Life Raft Survival Items