Figure AII-2.Semaphore alphabet and special signals.
like the man in figure AII-4 Notice that the circle is
divided into eight parts by equally spaced marks.
These marks represent the correct flag positions.
Anything between them is indefinite and will lead to
confusion. Although one flag has only eight positions,
innumerable combinations are possible when you use
two flags as in semaphore. Of these possible combina-
tions, 28 are used in semaphore communications. The
semaphore alphabet is composed of 26 letters plus
signs meaning NUMERALS and FRONT.
The FRONT sign is used after finishing a word.
It is like the space left between words in ordinary
writing. Also, it is used before and after each call
between all letters and numerals of a call sign. The
sign, code group, operating signal, or prosign, and
NUMERAL sign is given just before you transmit a
group of numbers or a group of mixed letters and
numerals to be recorded in the text and counted as a
single group. The sign is repeated when the group is
Figure AII-3.Position drill.