From: Communications Officer
All visual signal personnel
1. You, as the signal supervisor, during your watch must be in complete control of the signal personnel on watch
and of the signal material in use. You must ensure that a proper lookout is kept by your watch at all times, taking
care that your watch does not congregate. You must concern yourself primarily with carrying on the signal activities
and maintaining discipline, and secondarily, as necessary, with operating. You are responsible for seeing that
instructions for the internal routing and filing of messages applicable to the signal section are complied with. During
your watch you are required to do the following:
a. Make sure that an alert watch is maintained at all times.
b. Coordinate and supervise the operations and activities of the watch in such a way as to maintain efficiency
in handling visual traffic with a minimum of noise and confusion.
c. Be familiar with the Allied Maritime Tactical Signal and Maneuvering Book, Visual Call Sign Book, and
all applicable instructions pertaining to visual communications.
d. Be thoroughly familiar with the International Code of Signals and the procedures for communicating with
merchant ships.
e. Be familiar with combined and joint communication instructions and publications with respect to visual
f. Know the recognition and identification signals in effect.
g. Be proficient in all forms of visual communications, including drafting messages for transmission in any
visual system.
h. Keep yourself and the watch informed of the disposition, organization, formation, and location of all units
in company.
i. Know the responsibility of your ship for relaying and repeating visual signals and messages.
j. Be responsible for safeguarding all communication publications on the signal bridge.
k. Conduct effective training and instruction for the Signalmen on every watch, unless operating condition
positively prevent it.
1. Be responsible for the cleanliness and orderliness of the signal bridge and the personnel on watch.
m. Thoroughly familiarize yourself and your watch with the location and use of emergency signal equipment
including pyrotechnic kits and pyrotechnics.
n. Acquaint yourself and your watch with the duties in the various emergency bills, with particular emphasis
In the man overboard bill.
2. You, as the signal supervisor, are responsible for maintaining the visual signal log.
a. The visual signal log must contain a record of all signals from the Allied Maritime Tactical Signal and
Maneuvering Book and/or other signal books as sent or received The date, time of execution, originator, addressees,
method by which signals are sent or received, and the signal itself, but not its meaning, must also be included in the log.
It also includes identification data on all other visual traffic and all noteworthy events that affect the visual watch, such
as relieving the signal watch, exchange of calls, casualties to visual equipment, and the like. The record must remain on
he signal bridge in custody of the signal supervisor, and must be signed by the supervisor upon being relieved of the
watch. The visual log must be kept with a new page starting at the beginning of each radio day.
Figure 14-1.Standing order sample.