off the remaining tail at this point. Make the cut on a
45-degree angle to prevent a blunt end (see the insert of
step 10). With one hand, hold the crossover part (mark
T). Smooth the cover section of the eye out firmly and
completely from the crossover toward mark X. The
reduced-volume core tail should disappear into the
cover at 2. Smooth out the core section from the
crossover toward mark 3, and the cover taper will
disappear into the core. Hold the rope at the slipknot,
and with your other hand milk the cover toward the
splice, gently at first, then more firmly (see step 11 of
fig. 2-24). The cover will slide over mark 3, mark 2, the
crossover, T, and R. (It may be necessary to occasionally
smooth out the eye during milking to prevent the
reduced-volume tail from catching in the throat of the
If bunching occurs at the crossover, preventing
full burying, smooth the cover from T to X. Grasp the
crossover at T with one hand, and then firmly smooth
the cover slack (female side of eye) with the other hand
towards the throat (X). Repeat as necessary until
bunching disappears. Continue milking until all of the
cover slack between the knot and the throat of the eye
has been removed.
9. Prior to whipping (see fig. 2-25), it is to your
advantage to stitch-lock the splice to prevent no-load
opening. You will need approximately one fid length of
nylon or polyester whipping twine. The twine should be
about the same size as the strands of line you are
stitching. Strands cut from the line may be used. To
begin the lock stitch, pass the twine (A) through the line
as shown in step 1, figure 2-25. Reinsert the twine as in
step 2, figure 2-25. (Ensure that all stitching is just snug.
DO NOT TIGHTEN.) Continue until you have four
complete stitches. After you have four stitches, turn the
line 90 degrees and pass the remaining end (B) through
the line perpendicular to the original stitches to make
four more stitches. The line should now look like step
4, figure 2-25. Now take ends A and B, tie a square knot,
and bury the ends in between the cover and the core.
You may now whip the line or leave it.
You will become more proficient at splicing line
each time you do it. Remember to follow each step the
manufacturer has laid down in the splicing manual.
This must be done for safety reasons. The splices
described and the methods for accomplishing them
have been tried and proven. They leave no margin for
Before burying the cover under the
crossover, you should do the following:
Anchor the loop of the slipknot to a
stationary object before starting to
bury the cover. You can then use both
hands and the weight of your body to
more easily bury the cover over the
core and crossover.
Holding the crossover tightly, milk all
excess cover from R to X.
Flex and loosen the line at the crossover point
during the final burying process. Hammering the
cover at point X will help loosen the strands.
With larger ropes, it is helpful to securely anchor
the slipknot; attach a small line to the braided core at
the crossover; and mechanically apply tension with
either a block and tackle, capstan, come-a-long, or
power winch. Tension will reduce the diameter of the
core and crossover for easier burying.
Figure 2-25.Making the lock stitch.