Disposition of classified material, 11-15
Dissemination, 11-16
distribution, 11-16
of Secret and Confidential material, 11-16
of Top Secret material, 11-16
Dress and full-dress, 10-11
Drills and exercises, 14-1
critiques, 14-l
communications evaluations, 14-2
communications plan, 14-3
comprehensive communications assessment, 14-3
grading, 14-2
security, 14-2
visual communications (CCC-15-SF through
CCC- 17-W), 14-2
wartime provisions for visual signaling, 14-3
Duties to perform, 1-2
boat Signalman, l-5
expert lookout, l-5
flag bag operator, 1-4
in-port duty Signalman, l-5
searchlight operator, l-5
semaphore operator, l-5
Signalman of the watch, l-5
Signalman supervisor, l-5
spotter, l-5
Emergency signals, 8-10
aircraft emergencies, 8-10
ship emergencies, 8-11
submarine emergencies, 8-11
Energizing equipment, 1-7
Flag display, 10-l
dipping, 10-5
Flag displayContinued
half-masting, 10-3
hoisting and lowering, 10-3
national ensign, 10-2
union jack, 10-6
Flaghoist procedures, 5-13
answering and acknowledging, 5-13
canceling a signal, 5-14
correcting a signal, 5-14
expediting, 5-14
relaying, 5-15
Flaghoist terminology, 5-4
flag bag operator, 5-5
flaghoist essentials, 5-5
hauling down signals, 5-6
hoisting signals, 5-4
reading flaghoist, 5-5
Flags and halyards, 2-20
care of flags, 2-20
care of halyards, 2-21
flag nomenclature, 2-20
going aloft, 2-27
halyards, 2-2 1
repair of flags, 2-21
splicing double-braided line, 2-2 1
Flags of maritime nations, 10-23
Flashing light procedure, 4-4
answering and receipting, 4-5
calling, 4-5
communications with aircraft, 4-9
correction and repetition, 4-6
direction al procedure, 4-4
executive method, 4-8
infrared communications, 4-10
nondirectional, 4-4
relaying instructions, 4-6