Radiotelegraph messages are to be sent over the
radiotelephone net. The entire radiotelegraph version
of the message is to be passed as the text of the
radiotelephone message.
Ship/shore radiotelephone transmissions are to be
made according to the International Telecommunications
Union Regulations, article 33.
The master, like the allied commanding officer,
has overall responsibility for all communications
maintained by his/her ship. He/she therefore has the
authority and the obligation to order or prohibit any
transmission being made from his/her ship. He/she
decides whether or not to break radio silence and to
permit or refuse participation in distress traffic.
On arrival in an allied port, the master reports
immediately to the NCSO all defects in communica-
tions equipment that cannot be repaired on board
before the ship sails again.
The master is also responsible for ensuring that all
communications personnel are knowledgeable of the
instructions necessary for the performance of their
communication duties, and to ensure that any orders
received are passed to them.
The master will be furnished with the necessary
publications by the NCSO. He/she is responsible for
them and must ensure all instructions for the
maintenance and security of the pubs are observed and
that amendments are inserted.
The communications plan is an important part
of the Sailing Order Folder. Basic radio com-
munications organization and procedures for all
ships, sailing independently or in convoy, upon
which the radio communications plan will be based,
are found in the communications supplement of ATP
2, volume II.
Ships in convoy are to use the signals provided in
ATP 2, volume II, the International Code of Signals
or the International Q code. Subject to the
transmission policy in force, these signals may be
transmitted by voice radio or visually.
The majority of the signals required in convoy
operations can be found in ATP 2, volume II, chapters
11, 12, and 12A.
When warship Signalmen make use of those
signals, they will be preceded with the 4TH substitute.
The vocabulary, chapter 12, consists of three-
letter signal groups, each starting with the letter X.
Groups are arranged in alphabetical sequence for ease
of reference. This chapter is used for encoding.
Chapter 12A is used for decoding.
Maneuvering Signals
Chapter 11 contains maneuvering signals,
maneuvering instructions, supplementary signals, and
single-letter signals.
Single-Letter Signals
Single-letter signals in ATP 2, volume II, are
contained in table 11 -VI. Flags T and W will precede
the port or starboard pennant and three numerals to
indicate the direction of the alteration of course.
Single-numeral pennant signals are also found in
chapter 11, table 11 -VII.
The Code pennant is to precede signals
taken from INTERCO. It should be noted that
single-letter signals from the INTERCO have
different meanings than signals from
ATP 2, volume II.
Extracts of recognition material will be issued to
each ship by the NCSO. The current period signal must
be given to the officer of the watch. Ships must
identify themselves promptly when challenged by
allied warships, aircraft, examination vessels, or the
signal station.
GMT is to be used in all communication. Clocks
are to be set and so labeled.
A ship that loses a person overboard must
immediately make the signal MAN OVERBOARD