sign after the first letter is made, and moved to the
second letter without pausing.
Numerals occurring in all components of a
semaphore message must be spelled out. If it is desired
that numerals be recorded as digits, they must be
preceded and followed by the numeral sign except in
the heading and ending, where numerals or numeral
pennants are always recorded as digits.
The following is a list of semaphore special
characters. You must know these characters to become
a semaphore operator.
1. The answering sign is used to answer a call. If
necessary, the answering sign may be preceded by a call
sign to denote the station answered.
2. The attention sign is used as a preliminary call
by semaphore and to establish communication.
3. Front sign.
4. The numeral sign is used before and after each
group of numerals, or group of mixed letters and
numerals in the text that are to be recorded and counted
as a single group consisting of letters and digits.
5. The separative sign in semaphore is a special
character made by sending the character II as one group.
It is used to prevent mistakes in reception, which might
occur if letters or figures of adjacent groups are run
The abbreviation SEM may be used in calling and
answering by flashing light to indicate that a
semaphore message will follow or that the
transmitting station is to use semaphore.
Move signs are also special semaphore
abbreviations. The four move signs are as follows:
MDmove down
MLmove to your left, as you face me
MRmove to your right, as you face me
MUmove up
Move signs are used by the receiving station to
direct the transmitter to move to a better transmitting
A station may be called by semaphore, flashing
light, or flaghoist.
A call by semaphore is made by transmitting the
call sign of the station called or by just making the
attention sign. It may be answered either by making
the answering sign C by semaphore or by transmitting
the prosign K by flashing light.
Flashing Light
The call for a semaphore message may be made
by flashing light, in which case it is answered by
flashing light. After being answered, the transmitting
station then indicates a semaphore message will
follow by use of the abbreviation SEM.
To call by flaghoist, hoist the call sign of the
station called above flag JULIETT. If the message is
intended for all ships in visual range, hoist only flag
JULIETT. DESIG hoisted below JULIETT indicates
that a priority message awaits transmission. If it is
desired to indicate a higher precedence, the
appropriate precedence prosign (Z or O) may be
hoisted below DESIG.
The receiving station hoists the call sign of the
transmitting station above ANS at the dip; when ready
to receive the transmission, the receiving station will
close up ANS, and then will haul ANS down to receipt
for the transmission. The ANS pennant may be used
without the call when no confusion will result.
Semaphore messages are receipted for by sending
the prosign R by semaphore or flashing light or by
hauling down the ANSWER pennant after the
transmitting station hauls down the call.
If the transmitting station has more semaphore
messages to send and is using the flaghoist call, the
call is dipped on completion of each message. The
prosign B is made followed by the prosign K. The
receiving ship dips the ANS pennant to receipt for the
message sent. When the transmitting station is ready
to transmit the next message, it closes up the hoist, and