PRECEDENCEThe relative order in which naval
messages are to be handled and delivered.
chemicals that produce smoke or a brilliant light
in burning; used for signaling and illumination.
light, such as a lighthouse, that flashes continually
at least once a second.
RADIOTELEPHONE (R/T)Used by ships and
aircraft as the primary method for voice tactical
and administrative communications.
RELATIVE BEARINGBearing relative to
heading or to the ship.
SAILING DIRECTIONSA book issued by the
Navy Department to supplement charts of the
world. Sailing Directions contains descriptions of
coastlines, harbors, dangers, aids to navigation,
and other data that cannot conveniently be shown
on a chart.
determination by competent authority that an
individual is eligible, from a security standpoint,
for access to classified material.
SEMAPHOREMay be considered directional or
nondirectional; however, nondirectional
procedures are used during transmission. This
method uses small hand flags during daylight
hours and wands fitted with red lenses during
hours of darkness. The position or movement of
the flags represents letters.
SIDELIGHT A running light showing green to
starboard and red to port, showing an unbroken
light over an arc of the horizon of 112.5°, fixed to
show the light from right ahead to 22.5° abaft the
beam on the respective sides.
SOUND SIGNALINGThe use of sirens, whistles,
bells, and similar devices used to transmit short
messages normally consisting of prearranged
signals. Such methods are slow and satisfactory
for short messages only; they are usually confined
to warning or alert signals.
(SOP)Guidelines tailored to the unique
requirements of a signal bridge. These orders are
drafted by the leading Signalman and approved by
the communications officer.
VISUAL SIGNALINGThe means of passing
tactical and administrative traffic between ships
within visual signaling range, and between ships
and shore stations.