QUESTIONS 7-51 THROUGH 7-57 PERTAIN TO THESIGNALING OF TIMES AND DATES.7-51.TANGO is included in a flaghoistsignal to indicate the time of1.execution2.receipt3.transmission4.relaying7-52.In the text of a signal, times areexpressed as four numbers; the firsttwo denote the date and the secondtwo the hour.1.True2.False7-53.How should you transmit a time of1230 in conjunction with a signal?1.1230T2.T12303.T12ANS4.12ANST7-54.You are to signal another ship thatit is to commence refueling at 1200and be completed by 1300.If thebasic group signal for refueling isRO, what signal should you hoist?1.T12 TACK RO TACK 132.RO TACK 13T123.RO TACK T12T134.RO TACK T13 TACK T127-55.How is BT used to indicate that allgroups of a display are to begoverned by a single time group?1.It is flown first, followed byTACK2.It immediately follows thefinal group3.It is flown both first and last4.It is flown last, preceded byTACK7-56.What is the time zone indicator for52 1/2E to 67 1/2E?1.+4D2.-4D3.+5R4.-5R7-57.7-58.7-59.7-60.7-61.7-62.A ship that is in zone minus 12 andkeeping daylight saving time shoulduse what time zone indicator?1.-12M2.-12N3.-13M4.-13NHow should single flags and pennantsbe separated if you are displayingmore than one on the same halyard?1.By ANS2.By TANGO3.By TACK4.By ALFAQUESTIONS 7-59 THROUGH 7-65 PERTAIN TOFLAGHOIST PROCEDURES.How should you answer anoriginator's flaghoist signal?1.Repeat the signal close up2.Repeat the signal at the dip3.Repeat and immediately lowerthe signal4.Hoist ROMEO closed upHow should you acknowledge anoriginator's flaghoist signal?1.Close up the repeated hoist2.Repeat the hoist at the dip3.Haul down the repeated hoist4.Hoist ROMEODuring inclement weather, what flagor pennant should a small ship hoistinstead of repeating a signal flagfor flag?1.EMERG2.ANSWER3.FORM4.PREPWhen you desire to question a hoist,what pennant should you hoist?1.PREP2.INT3.EMERG4.ANSWER46
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