ASSIGNMENT 9Textbook Assignment: “Convoy Communications” and "Watchstanding Duties," chapters 7 and 8, pages 7-1 through8-6.9-1.Convoys are usually made up of ships of manydifferent nations, traveling in company for mutualsafety and manned by people of many differentlanguages.9-2.1.True2.FalseWhat will the Naval Control of ShippingOrganization (NCSORG) control in the event ofwar or national emergency?9-3.1.Voyage itinerary2.Maintenance repair3.Ship movement4.Allocation of employmentWhich of the following functions will NOT beassumed by the Civil Direction of ShippingOrganization in the time of war or nationalemergency?9-4.1.Loading and discharging2.Maintenance and repair3.Harbor movement and storing4.Putting ships in columns outside the harborThe control that NCSORG exercises overshipping includes tactical diversions, movementreports, ship routing, and convoy organization.9-5.1.True2.FalseWhat naval commander is responsible for themovement and protection of allied ships withinhis/her area?1.CDSORG2.NCSORG3.OCA4.NCSO569-6.Who makes the decision whether to sail ships inconvoy or as independents?9-7.1.OCA2.Convoy commodore3.NCSO4.CDSORGWho coordinates and controls the routing andmovement of merchant ships and convoys withinan assigned or adjacent port area?9-8.1.NCSO2.OCA3.Convoy commodore4.Reporting officerWho is responsible for Naval Control of Shippingmeasures both in port and at sea?9-9.1.Reporting officer2.Area commander3.NCSO4.OCAWhat officer is the OCA’s representative at aport?1.Reporting officer2.Area commander3.NCSO4.Convoy commodore9-10.What officer is responsible for the defense of theconvoy?1.Convoy commodore2.Vice commodore3.OTC4.NSC
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