Visual communications at sea usually involve
messages that require specific and often immediate
compliance. Through tactical communications, ships
are joined in formation and maneuvered together as a
unit; combat information, passed rapidly between
ships, weapons, and aircraft, are coordinated for attack
or mutual defense of the group.
Because of their importance, tactical communications
are handled by specially trained, responsible
personnel. Usually the staff communications officer
or staff watch officer on a flagship disseminates
signals for the officer in tactical command (OTC) by
voice radio located in the flag plot, or through the
flagship signal bridge. On other ships in the force,
tactical communications are handled by key personnel
that assist the commanding officer in receiving and
interpreting communications. These personnel
include the OOD, JOOD, CIC personnel, and the
signal watch.
The signal officer, if one is assigned, takes direct
charge of the signal bridge during maneuvers, tactical
drills, general quarters, and when the ship is leaving
or entering port.
Basic communications doctrine stipulates that
visual signaling, in preference to radio, be used for
communicating whenever practicable. Visual
communications, therefore, constitutes an integral
part of the overall communications effort of the ship.
The signal bridge plays an important role in the
effectiveness of communications as a function of the
The point of this introduction is to emphasize the
importance of your job as a watch stander on the signal
bridge. During periods of independent steaming and
when the task force is not maneuvering, the watch is
necessarily slow. When maneuvers begin, the pace is
rapid and requires instant response. When the OTC
puts a signal in the air, the sign of a smart ship is to
answer, acknowledge, and execute with minimum loss
of time. A signal watch aboard a ship with a
fast-maneuvering task force can be a major challenge.
This chapter describes the major responsibilities
of the signal force, including lookout duties and a
short discussion of forms and publications you will
use. It also discusses signals that a boatcrew
Signalman must be familiar with, and explains
UNREP procedures.
the duties of the signalbridge watch, including
the duties of the signal supervisor, spotter, and
recorder. Explain the procedures for using a
maneuvering board to locate ships and to plot
Frequently, the duties of Signalmen, spotters, and
recorders may be rotated to better qualify strikers.
When the pace is quick, however, the supervisor
makes sure the best qualified personnel are in the most
important spots.
A Signalman 3 or 2 frequently is assigned the
duties of signal supervisor. During the watch, the
supervisor is in complete control of signal personnel
on watch and of signal material in use, and ensures that
a proper lookout is kept at all times. When the ship is
under way, the signal supervisor is subject to the
leading Signalman and the signal officer. The
supervisor stations the watch so as best to carry on the
signal activities and to attain watch discipline. The
supervisor's primary concerns are with traffic
handling and watch discipline, and only secondarily
(as necessary) with actual operation. It is the
supervisor's responsibility to make sure instructions
are complied with for internal routing and filing of
messages applicable to the signal section.
Any person assigned as a watch supervisor must
be thoroughly familiar with Communications
Instructions, Visual Signaling Procedures, ACP 129;
Allied Maritime Tactical Signal and Manuevering
Book, ATP 1, volume II; Call Sign Book for Ships,
ACP 113; International Code of Signals, Pub. 102,
and all other applicable instructions and publications
pertaining to visual communications. The supervisor
should be proficient in all forms of visual