Eye Splice
To make an eye splice with manila or synthetic
ropes, untwist the strands in the end of your line as you
think necessary, and splice them into the standing part
of the line by tucking the unlaid strands from the end
into the standing part.
Learn to estimate the length of line you need to
unlay for your complete splice so you will not finish
short or waste a lot of line by cutting it off. An original
round of tucks plus three more complete rounds are
enough for an ordinary eye splice.
With large lines you must whip the ends of the
strands before you start; otherwise, they will unravel
and become troublesome. Large lines also must be
seized at the point where the unlaying stops, or you
will have trouble working them. With any line up to
about 2 inches, you can open the strands in the
standing part with your fingers. The fid must be used
for larger lines.
Your first round of tucks must be taken in proper
order to avoid getting fouled up. Separate the strands
in the end and hold them as indicated in view 1 in
figure 2-26. Always tuck the middle strand (facing
you) first. Be sure to keep the right-hand strand, shown
in view 2 of figure 2-26, on the side of the line that is
toward you. Tuck that one next, over the strand you
just tucked the other one under, and under the strand
just below it, shown in view 3 of figure 2-26.
Now turn the whole thing over. In view 4 of figure
2-26 you can see that you now have only one strand from
the end left untucked, and only one strand in the standing
part that does not already have a strand under it. Do not
forget to tuck the last strand from outboard toward you.
The first round of tucks is the key to making
perfect eye splices; the rest is easy. Simply tuck each
strand from the end over the strand of the standing part
that it is now above, and under the next strand below
that one, until you tuck each strand twice more beside
the original tuck. Three tucks to each strand in all is
enough for natural fiber rope. Four or five are needed
for synthetic fiber, especially the more slippery nylon.
Going Aloft
Signalmen must be familiar with the procedures
for going aloft, if for conducting maintenance,
removing Irish pennants, or rigging for full dress ship.
Whatever the reason, permission to go aloft must be
Figure 2-26.Making an eye splice.