Transmit the grid position using letter L for left,
C for center, R for right, and LL or RR for being
outside of the boat lane to the left or right,
respectively. The distance from the beach is
transmitted in hundreds of yards as a single or
double numeral. For instance, 1 equals 100 yards;
11 equals 1,100 yards.
Transmit the letter T followed by two digits to
indicate the time, in minutes, of the grid position.
Given the time of the position, the wave commander
knows how early or late he or she is once the position
is plotted. Knowledge of grid position time is
important because, depending on the proficiency of
the control team, receipt of the position can be up to 2
minutes after actual time.
If necessary to order a speedup or slowdown, the
group SS or TT is sent, respectively.
If necessary to order a course change, a vector
in tens of degrees indicating direction left or right is
sent. For instance, to vector 30 degrees to the right,
the group V3R is sent. Direction of the vector should
always be included, because waves are not
necessarily always heading for the beach but may be
under control seaward towards the rendezvous area.
The group BS BS is an order to go to BATTLE
If needed, the group TA indicates an order to turn
The following are examples of grid posits sent
Wave four grid posit is in the left
portion of the boat lane 4,000 yards
from the beach at time 32.
Wave two grid posit is in the right
portion of the boat lane 3,200 yards
from the beach at time 47 and is to
speed up.
Wave one grid posit is outside of the
boat lane to the left 2,900 yards from
the beach at time 52 and is ordered to
vector 20 degrees to the right.
Wave three grid posit is in the center
of the boat lane 2,000 yards from the
beach at time 17 and is ordered to slow
Upon touchdown of the first boat/vehicle of
each wave, the signal TD TD TD is sent to the
control ship. Remember, its going to be very
difficult at times to transmit back or receive from
the control ship; you must be proficient and get
the job done. Visual communication is a very
important part of an amphibious assault, so be
prepared to do your best.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain the method
of control for quiet landing, including visual
radio circuit, and manning
Visual signaling (flashing light, flaghoist,
and/or semaphore) will be used as the primary
means of controlling the movement of surface
craft during the initial assault portion of a quiet
landing. Radio circuits normally used in
controlling the ship-to-shore movement should
be checked out before the assault, subject to
emission control (EMCON) policy. These radio
circuits should be guarded and should be used
only when all other means of communicating with
surface assault waves have failed and when it is
necessary to correct or alter the movement of an
assault wave.
It is imperative that experienced Signalmen
be embarked in control boating. They must
watch the control ship constantly and must be
capable of receiving at the rate of eight words
per minute. Since embarked craft (LCUs and
LCMs) do not normally include Signalmen in
deploying boat crews, host ships should ensure
that a Signalman is assigned to embarked craft
for assault operations.
PCS will transmit a vector and speed signal to
each wave at l-minute intervals once the wave
has been dispatched from the LOD. The signal
will be in three parts: wave identification, vector,
and speed. Identification of the wave is signaled
by the corresponding numeral. Vector direction is
indicated by flashing ROMEO for right and
LIMA for left. The amount of vector is indicated
by the multiple letters, each representing 10°; for
example, R indicates vector right 10°, and RRR
indicates to vector right 30°. If vectoring is not
necessary, the letter CHARLIE is signaled. Speed
orders will be signaled by numerals indicating