have served their purposes, or are given the same
classification and safeguarded in the same manner as
the classified material produced with them.
(CMS). Outside normal duty hours, strict adherence to
two-person integrity will be followed.
New typewriter ribbons used in the preparation
of classified material are either typed on until illegible
or given the same classification and safeguarded in the
same manner as the classified material prepared with
Personnel will not normally be permitted to work
alone in areas where Top Secret information or
Commanding officers must require a security
check at the end of each working day to ensure that all
classified material is properly secured, and that
Standard Forms 701 and 702 (figs. 11-3 and 11-4) are
used. The security check determines the following:
All classified material is stored in the manner
Burn bags are properly stored or destroyed.
information controlled under special access program
procedures is used or stored and is accessible to those
employees. This policy, the two person integrity
requirement, does not apply in those situations where
one individual is left alone for a brief period during
The contents of wastebaskets that contain
normal duty hours. It does not require both individuals
classified material have been properly stored or
to have equal access or that a no lone zone be
established around Top Secret areas, nor is the
Classified shorthand notes, carbon paper, carbon
requirement as stringent as the two-person control
and plastic typewriter ribbons, rough drafts, and similar
requirement for the Communication Material System
papers have been properly stored or destroyed.
Figure 11-3.Activity Security Checklist, Standard Form 701.