inventory changes), Naval Flight Record Subsystem
(NAVFLIRS) form (records flight data management
information), and the Aircraft Record A Card
(provides valuable, readily available operational data
for each assigned aircraft). The OPNAV XRAY report
and the Aircraft Record A Card are discussed in the
following text.
NOTE: For activities that operate under the Naval
Aviation Logistics Command Management
Information System (NALCOMIS), refer to
NALCOMIS User s Manual for detailed instructions in
completing OPNAV XRAY reports, Aircraft
Accounting Audit Reports, and initiating and
maintaining the Aircraft Record A Card.
Q1. To what publication should you refer for detailed
instructions on the Aircraft Inventory Reporting
purpose of OPNAV XRAY reports.
For the CNO, NAVAIRSYSCOM, and controlling
custodians to manage naval aviation, they need current
information about the many aircraft in the Navy
inventory. Much of the data required for the
management of naval aviation is submitted on OPNAV
XRAY reports. These message reports are prepared by
reporting custodians and are forwarded to their
controlling custodian or directly to the CNO, as
The OPNAV XRAY report is used to record the
continuous inventory of aircraft custody change, latest
status, and other items of information pertinent to
aircraft management. In addition, OPNAV XRAY
data records logistics activity and indicates the actual
time involved in the various logistics processes.
All changes of aircraft reporting and controlling
custody, status, model designation, or other reportable
actions are reported daily by OPNAV XRAY message.
Normally, if no changes occur, no OPNAV XRAY
message is submitted. The OPNAV XRAY Message
Report, OPNAV Report 5442-1, is submitted by
message not later than 1200 the day after a reportable
action that involves the units aircraft. OPNAV XRAY
reports must include all reportable actions that occur
between 0001 and 2400 of the action date. The
exception to this deadline is in the case of category I
strike OPNAV XRAY reports. A category I strike
OPNAV XRAY report is submitted by 2400 of the date
of action. One OPNAV XRAY report may be used to
report actions on one or more aircraft.
For reports control purposes, reporting custodians
number each OPNAV XRAY message by calendar
year. The numbering begins with 001 and goes through
999 and then begins with 001 again.
Q2. What report is used to record instances of aircraft
custody changes, status changes, inventory
changes, and service life factors?
XRAY Data Element Fields
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify required
data elements and codes used on OPNAV
XRAY reports.
The basic addressee on all OPNAV XRAY reports
is the controlling custodian or the CNO, as appropriate.
The cognizant wing is also a basic addressee. Certain
situations may require additional information
information addressee on all OPNAV XRAY reports.
The OPNAV XRAY message format (fig. 7-1) is as
Items A through F, V, and Remarks are required on
all OPNAV XRAY reports except Part I, change of
location reports. Entries for other data items are entered
as the situation requires. If certain items are not
required, they are not listed. Table 7-1 is a matrix of
required data items by action code.
A brief explanation of each OPNAV XRAY
message item is contained in the following paragraphs.
For a more detailed description of each item, refer to
the latest edition of OPNAVINST 5442.2. As you read
this section, refer to the format.
The FROM, TO, INFO, and SUBJ lines make up
the heading of the report. The name of the activity that
originates the message is entered on the FROM line.
The name of the primary addressee or the activity to
which the report is sent is entered on the TO line. The
primary addressee is normally the controlling
custodian. The names of information addressees are
entered on the INFO line. These include those activities
with a need to know of the reportable action, but in all
cases, COMNAVAIRSYSCOM will be an info
addressee. The SUBJ line contains five items of
information, listed in a particular sequence.
NOTE: Items in the subject line that are enclosed
in parentheses will vary with different activities;