ADU-488/E Wing, Fin, and Fuze Adapter
The ADU-488/E wing, fin, and fuze adapter (fig.
9-29) is an aluminum container that contains different
features to transport a variety of ordnance components.
Preformed urethane channels that provide protection
for wings and fins are installed in the base. Above the
base are two hinged plates, which are lowered onto the
wings and fins to hold them in place. There are two
cushioned plates that are lowered from their stowed
position and that provide holes for fuzes.
The ADU-488/E wing, fin, and fuze adapter is used
by ordnance personnel to transfer different ordnance
and ordnance components from weapons breakout
areas to the flight deck/flight line.
The MHU-191/M munitions transporter (fig. 9-30)
is a welded tubular frame equipped with a box section
of drilled steel bars, which provide the mounting holes
for attaching various adapters. It has two axles and four
Figure 9-29.ADU-488/E wing, fin, and fuze adapter.
Figure 9-30.MHU-191/M munitions transporter.