Armament Computer
The armament computer (fig. 15-18) is interfaced
with and controlled by the mission computers. The
armament computer is also interfaced with and controls
the weapon station command encoders-decoders. The
armament computer has a weapon insertion panel (fig.
15-19) with code wheels. These code wheels are used
to enter the code into the weapon-type (ARMAMENT)
and nose or tail fuzes (FUZING). The weapon-type
code must match the weapon loaded, and the nose fuze
or tail fuze code must be compatible with the weapon
or the armament computer won't allow it to release
normally. For weapons without nose or tail fuzes, the
codes must still match the weapon loaded.
Digital Computers
Two digital computers make up the mission
computer system and control the avionics systems.
They interface with the armament computer and allow
the armament computer to route power to the
encoders-decoders for weapon release. The MC switch
on the MC/HYD ISOL panel controls the digital
Jettison System
The jettison system gives the pilot or crew a way to
jettison weapons, stores, launchers, and fuel tanks. The
jettison system has three modes of releaseemergency
jettison, selective jettison, and auxiliary jettison.
The emergency jettison mode jettisons all weapons
from the five pylon stations.
The selective jettison mode individually jettisons
the left fuselage missile, the right fuselage missile,
racks, launchers, and stores.
The auxiliary jettison mode is a gravity mode to
jettison the five pylon stations when emergency and/or
selective jettison fails.
Bomb Release System
The bomb release system provides the aircraft with
capabilities for release of conventional weapons. The
Figure 15-18.Armament computer.
Figure 15-19.Weapon insertion panel.