surfaces are visible from the exterior of the ship). The
stenciled markings must be located on the bulkheads,
overheads, and decks 12 feet apart. The sign or label
(fig. 11-4) is a yellow rectangle, 5 inches high by 9
inches wide. The sign has black slanted lines; 1/8-inch
thick and 1 inch long, on 3/4-inch centers along the top
and bottom edges, with lines slanting from top right to
bottom left. The letters are 1/8-inch thick and 3/4-inch
high, with the words AMMUNITION FAR SIDE
arranged as shown in figure 11-4. Primary and missile
magazines aboard CVs are designed to hold a ship's
service allowance and the embarked air wing's service
allowance of ammunition.
Ships have several different types of magazines.
Each magazine is designed for a specific type of
ammunition. The magazine types include primary,
missile, ready-service, lockers, and chemical.
Primary Magazines
Primary magazines are stowage spaces that are
usually located below deck and, if possible, below the
waterline. They are adequately equipped with thermal
Primary magazines are equipped with adequate
sprinkler systems, and they are closed and locked when
Missile Magazines
requirements for their stowage aboard ship differ from
those of conventional ammunition. Air-launched
missile magazines in aircraft carriers are usually
located below the waterline and within the armor box.
Air-launched missile ready-service magazines may be
located either above the waterline or within the armor
box. Missile magazines contain electrical, hydraulic,
and pneumatic power-operated handling equipment. A
restraining gear prevents movement of an accidentally
ignited motor. You must take special care of the
ventilation system of missile magazines to ensure
pressures don't build up to a dangerous level if a missile
motor is ignited.
Ready-Service Magazines
Ready-service magazines (fig. 11-5) are designated
spaces located near the weapon or area to be served.
Figure 11-4.Example of AMMUNITION FAR SIDE sign or
Figure 11-5.Typical missile ready-service magazine.