the launcher. It has two doors that are spring-loaded to
open. These doors provide access to the umbilical hook
support assembly.
Umbilical Hook Support Assembly
The umbilical hook support assembly mounts to
the forward housing rails and, during missile loading, is
connected to the missile umbilical shear block. At
missile launch, the mechanism snaps up, retracting the
sheared end of the umbilical cable into the launcher to
prevent interference with the missile hangers.
Fin Retainer Assemblies
Two fin retainer assemblies are mounted to the
forward end of the housing assembly beneath the
forward fairing assembly. The fin retainer is a small,
U-shaped bracket that contains two spring retainers that
snap over the missile fins to prevent movement during
captive flight.
Snubber Mount Fitting Assembly, Aft Fairing
Latch Assembly, and Aft Fairing Assembly
The aft snubber mount fitting assembly, aft snubber
assembly, and aft fairing latch (fig. 3-19) are assembled
together as a group and mounted to the aft end of the
housing assembly. When the aft fairing latch assembly
(fig. 3-20) is in the open position, you can access the
nitrogen receiver. It also releases the aft snubbers to
allow missile loading. When in the closed position, it
allows the snubbers to spring over the aft missile
hanger, locking it in place.
For further information on the LAU-7/A (series)
guided missile launcher, refer to Guided Missile
Launcher LAU-7/A, NAVAIR 11-75A-54.
Figure 3-19.Aft snubber mount fitting assembly, aft fairing assembly, and aft fairing latch assembly.
Figure 3-20.Aft fairing latch assembly.