MARTIN-BAKER MK-GRUEA-7 EJECTION SEATLOWER EJECTION HANDLESURVIVAL KITCOMMAND SEQUENCED EJECTIONEJECTION SEQUENCE BELOW 13,000 1,500 FEETFigure 1-2.--Ejection sequence above 13,000 1,500 feet.SEPARATION OF PARACHUTE FROM CREWMEMBERSROCKET MOTOR INITIATORMAIN BEAM ASSEMBLYFigure 1-7.--Top latch mechanism.Figure 1-8.--Time-release mechanism.Figure 1-9.--Personnel parachute and upper restraint harness.ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSFigure 2-1.--Forward ejection seat, RH view (SJU-17(V)2/A).Figure 2-2.--Forward ejection seat, LH view (SJU-17(V)2/A).GENERAL DESCRIPTIONFigure 2-4.--Catapult assembly, forward seat (SJU-17(V)2/A).Figure 2-5.--Interference devices, forward and aft seats (SJU-17(V)2/A).Figure 2-6.--Ejection gun initiator JAU-56/A and catapult manifold valve.Figure 2-7.--Operation of the top latch assembly.Figure 2-8.--Drogue deployment catapult.Figure 2-9.--Drogue deployed.Figure 2-10.--Parachute deployment rocket motor MK 122 MOD 0.Figure 2-11.--Electronic sequencer.Figure 2-12.--Pitot assembly, right hand.Figure 2-14.--Multipurpose initiator, left hand.Figure 2-15.--Barostatic release unit.Figure 2-16.--Shoulder harness reel.Figure 2-17.--Shoulder harness control system (SJU-17(V)1/A, 2/A and 9/A).Figure 2-18.--Interference devices, seat bucket to main beams for the forward and aft seats (SJU-17(V)2/A).Figure 2-19.--Underseat rocket motor mounting bolt sizes (SJU-17(V)2/A).Figure 2-21.--Seat height actuator (SJU-17(V)3/A and 4/A).Figure 2-22.--Operating controls (SJU-17(V)1/A, 2/A, and 9/A).Shoulder Harness Control SystemFigure 2-24.--Parachute assembly (SJU-17(V)2/A and 5/A).Figure 2-25.--Seat survival kit, top view.Rigid PlatformEJECTION SEQUENCEFigure 2-29. RH ballistic manifold (SJU-17(V)2/A thru 5/A).Figure 2-30. LH ballistic manifold (SJU-17(V)2/A thru 5/A).Figure 2-31.--Underseat rocket motor MK 123 MOD 0 (SJU-17(V)2/A, 3/A, and 5/A).Figure 2-33.--Ejection sequence (sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2-33.--Ejection sequence (sheet 2 of 2).Table 2-1.--Sequencer TimingsALL SPEEDS/HIGH ALTITUDEANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSCANOPY SYSTEMSFigure 3-1.--Canopy pneumatic system components.CANOPY PNEUMATIC RESERVOIRLOCK ACTUATOR CHECK VALVEAUXILIARY OPENING MODEFigure 3-2.--Canopy inflatable seal system.Figure 3-3.--Canopy inflatable seal (removed).Figure 3-5.--Canopy emergency jettison system components.Figure 3-6.--External canopy jettison initiator.Explosive ManifoldsCOMPONENT DESCRIPTIONFigure 3-9.--External canopy and hatch jettison initiator.Figure 3-10.--Internal canopy and hatch jettison initiator.Shielded Mild-Detonating Cord One-Way TransferANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS - ContinuedEXPLOSIVES HANDLING PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAMFigure 4-1.--Ordnance certification format.Arm/De-ArmTable 4-1.--Certification LevelsINITIAL BOARD MEMBER CERTIFICATIONOJT DOCUMENTATION TRANSFERSFigure 4-2.--Ordnance certification training format.BOARD MEMBERSHIPBOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIESANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSUTILITY SYSTEMSFigure 5-1. - Bleed air leak sensing element loop schematic diagramEngine Start Port Leak DetectorFigure 5-2.--Wing leading edge anti-icing cross section.Figure 5-3.--Anti-icing modulating valve.OPERATIONFigure 5-5.--Engine bleed air and anti-icing control panels.Figure 5-6. - P-3 wing anti-icing system schematic.WINDSHIELD ANTI-ICE/RAIN REMOVAL SYSTEMFigure 5-8.--Anti-ice/rain removal air control regulatingWINDSHIELD-WASHING SYSTEMWindshield SwitchFigure 5-12.--Anti-g system.Anti-G System FilterVent Suit Temperature ValveManual ModeFigure 5-18.--Radar liquid cooling system.FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMFigure 5-22.--P-3 Engine fire extinguishing system.Container AssemblyOPERATIONFigure 5-25.--Waveguide pressurization system.Figure 5-26.--Waveguide pressurization system component locator.Missile Cold Air Modulating ValveFigure 5-28.--Missile fairing.Figure 5-30.--Missile cooling system component locator.Coolant Fluid Expansion TankFigure 5-31.--Missile cooling system.MAINTENANCE SAFETY PRECAUTIONSANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS - ContinuedANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS - ContinuedAIR-CONDITIONING AND PRESSURIZATION SYSTEMSATMOSPHERIC CONSIDERATIONSFigure 6-1.--EDC view from left.Figure 6-2.--AMP installation.Figure 6-3.--P-3 air-conditioning system schematic diagram.Figure 6-5.--Dual check valve, water separator, and ice-limiting sensor.Figure 6-6.--Temperature control system components.Temperature Control System Selector-IndicatorPressure Ratio Limiter AssemblyFigure 6-8.--Selector-indicator.Figure 6-9.--Air cycle cooling schematic diagram.Automatic ModeSYSTEM OPERATIONCOMPONENTSFigure 6-12.--Cabin pressurization components.Cabin Air Pressure Sensing FilterFigure 6-14.--Electrical symbols.TroubleshootingTroubleshooting - ContinuedANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS - ContinuedOXYGEN SYSTEMSEFFECTS OF LACK OF OXYGENEFFECTS OF LACK OF OXYGEN - ContinuedHANDLING/SAFETY PRECAUTIONSFigure 7-2.--Self-opening oxygen cylinder valve.Figure 7-3.--Oxygen system check valves.TYPICAL GASEOUS OXYGEN SYSTEMSPortable Oxygen SystemsTable 7-1.--Gaseous Oxygen System TroubleshootingSAFETY PRECAUTIONSSYSTEM COMPONENTSPressure Control ValveHeat ExchangerComposite Quick-Disconnect CouplingAIRCRAFT-MOUNTED OXYGEN REGULATORSFigure 7-16.--MD regulator operational drawing.Table 7-2.--Gaseous Oxygen System TroubleshootingFigure 7-17.--Liquid oxygen converter operation.Fill SequenceONBOARD OXYGEN GENERATING SYSTEMSYSTEM COMPONENTSSYSTEM OPERATIONANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSSAFETY PRECAUTIONSSTORAGE TANK PRESSURE GAUGEFigure 8-2.--Liquid oxygen servicing trailer controls and indicators.FILL-DRAIN LINE SHUTOFF VALVEFigure 8-4.--Operating instructions for TMU-70/M.Table 8-1.--Periodic InspectionTRANSFERSystem ServicingCONTAMINATION CONTROLComponentsFigure 8-5.--Type No-2 gaseous oxygen servicing trailer.Loading CylindersOXYGEN SERVICING UNIT A/U26U-1AFigure 8-7.--Oxygen servicing unit A/U26U-1A.Figure 8-8.--Oxygen servicing unit A/U26U-1A.Figure 8-9.--Gaseous oxygen module.Figure 8-10.--Gaseous nitrogen module.Figure 8-11.--Oxygen/nitrogen interface/servicing equipment.Figure 8-12.--Air/nitrogen boost pump drive and oxygen servicing flow schematic.Table 8-2.--Servicing Controls and IndicatorsNITROGEN RECHARGINGANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONSGLOSSARYGLOSSARY - ContinuedREFERENCESREFERENCES - Continued