A4-1. To e n s u re t h a t b e f o re a n i n d i v i d u a l p e r f o r m s a n y t a s k i nv o l v i n g
explosives/explosive devices they are qualified and formally certified by the
command to which they are assigned.
A4-2. 1 year.
A4-3. Any person whose duties require them to individually inspect, prepare, adjust,
arm, or de-arm explosive devices. Personnel who conduct magazine inspections,
maintenance on aircraft safety and survival equipment, or perform any other
function that involves explosive devices must be included in this program. The
supervisor of explosive operations and members of the command-appointed
certification board (except the chairman) must be individually certified for the
evolution that they may supervise or observe.
A4-4. The department head (or equivalent supervisor) is responsible for initial
certification by screening school records, previous certification, demonstrated
ability, and for conducting a personal interview.
A4-5. If an individual causes an explosive mishap through gross negligence, reckless
operation of equipment used to handle explosive/explosive devices, or flagrant
disregard of procedural and/or safety precautions.