ground or deck, and they must never be removed until
The EA-6B aircraft is equipped with the
the aircraft is ready for flight.
Martin-Baker MK-GRUEA-7 rocket-assisted ejection
seat. The MK-GRUEA-7 seat provides crewmembers
The following general precautions should always
with completely automatic escape at ground level (zero
be kept in mind:
altitude, 80-knot minimum) and throughout the entire
Ejection seats must be treated with the same
speed and altitude range of the aircraft.
respect as a loaded gun - always consider an
This chapter discusses the system description,
ejection seat system as loaded and armed.
operating principles, and components of the
Before you enter a cockpit, know where the
MK-GRUEA-7 seat.
ejection seat safety pins are located and make
certain of their installation.
Only authorized personnel may work on,
remove, or install ejection seats and compo-
safety hazards and general safety precautions
nents, and only in authorized areas.
when working on ejection seats.
Supervisors take note: It has been said that nothing
The MK-GRUEA-7 emergency escape system has
is foolproof because fools are so ingenious. Personal
several explosive cartridges and rockets with propellant
safety for those who work around ejection seats cannot
charges. Accidental firing of any of these may cause
be guaranteed; however, a high level of safety can be
serious or fatal injury to personnel on or near, the
achieved if personnel have the proper attitude,
understanding, training, and supervision. Unless proper
maintenance procedures are followed exactly, even
routine ejection seat maintenance tasks can bring about
an accident or injury. Education of the workers is the
best assurance for personnel safety. The workers should
Ejection control handle safety pins and
be made aware of potential hazards and the proper
safe/armed handles are provided to render the
means of protecting themselves.
ejection seats safe when the aircraft is parked on the
ground. The ejection control handle safety pins are
removed by the aircrew before flight and installed by
the plane captain after flight. Movement of the
safe/armed handle is the responsibility of the aircrew.
function and capabilities of the Martin-Baker
Before entering the cockpit, personnel should
MK-GRUEA-7 ejection seat. Identify the
ensure that the correct safety precautions have been
sequence and time delay intervals between seat
This section will describe system operation
Safety precautions must be strictly observed when
involving the following components: lower ejection
working around aircraft with an ejection seat. Each
handle, emergency restraint release, rocket motor,
ejection seat has several ground safety pins on
drogue parachute assembly, guillotine breech, seawater
red-flagged lanyards at every point of possible danger.
activated release system (SEAWARS), survival kit, and
They must be installed whenever the aircraft is on the
automatic sequencing system.