CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHERTable 1-1 -- Layers of the atmosphereAtmospheric Pressure and TemperatureUnits of MeasurementTable 1-2 -- Units of measurementEffects of Changes in Atmospheric PressurePressure SystemsCyclones (Low-Pressure Systems)Anticyclones (High-Pressure Systems)CLOUDS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICSFigure 1-5 -- Cloud types and characteristics.Cloud TypesFRONTS AND ASSOCIATED WEATHERTable 1-7 -- Four frontal classificationsCold Front CharacteristicsFigure 1-7 -- Warm front characteristics.Figure 1-8 -- Occluded front characteristics.Table 1-8 -- Wind conditionsTable 1-9 -- Four types of air massTable 1-11 -- Common forms of precipitationFigure 1-10 -- Rime ice.Icing IntensitiesOccurrences of IcingTypes and Causes of TurbulenceTable 1-13 -- Four causes of turbulenceTable 1-14 -- Four intensity categories of turbulenceFigure 1-11 -- Thunderstorm stages.Anvil or Dissipating StageEffect on AltimetersSupport FunctionsTable 1-15 -- Typical METAR or SPECI observationStation IdentifierVisibility GroupFigure 1-12 -- Prevailing visibility.Present Weather GroupTable 1-16 -- Present weather precedenceTable 1-17 -- Types of weather phenomenonTable 1-18 -- Sky cover classificationTable 1-19 -- Description of how RCR, relate to braking action and landing rollTable 1-20 -- Runway surface condition (RSC)Table 1-21 -- Example RCR codingTable 1-22 -- Example weather report code phraseologyWEATHER FORECASTS, ADVISORIES, AND WARNINGSTable 1-23 -- Types of forecastsTable 1-24 -- Four TAF change groupsTable 1-25 -- NWS in-flight weather advisoriesPilot ReportsTable 1-26 -- Thunderstorm conditionsTropical Cyclone ConditionsTropical Cyclone Conditions - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHEREND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATIONBASIC CONCEPTS OF AIR NAVIGATIONReference Lines on EarthTable 2-2 -- Geographic coordinatesHeading Determined by a CompassFigure 2-1 -- Designating compass heading.Units of MeasurementZone IdentificationFigure 2-2 -- Standard time zone chart.ELEMENTARY PLOTTINGFigure 2-3 -- True headings.Figure 2-4 -- True headings.Figure 2-6 -- Relationship between headings.Figure 2-7 -- RADAR fix for an airborne aircraft.AERONAUTICAL CHARTS OVERVIEWAutomatic Initial DistributionFlight Information Publications ProgramFLIP Enroute and Terminal PublicationsTable 2-5 -- Frequently used FLIP enroute and terminal publicationsAutomated Air Facilities Intelligence FileMiscellaneous Flight Information ProductsAeronautical Information ManualTerminal Procedures PublicationNAVIGATIONAL AIDSTable 2-6 -- Radio frequency spectrumNondirectional Radio BeaconVHF/UHF Omnidirectional RangesTactical Air Navigation (TACAN) SystemDistance Measuring EquipmentOmniranges, GeneralInstrument Landing SystemGlide Slope TransmitterGlobal Positioning SystemMonitoring Navigation AidsEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATIONEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICSVehicle Type (Nonstandard Vehicles Only)Mission Modification Symbol (Aircraft Only Optional)Special Status IdentifiersDesign and Design Modifications SymbolsGENERAL AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICSFigure 3-2 -- Comparison of takeoff distances with increased altitudes.Aircraft Climb and Descent RatesSELECTED NAVY AIRCRAFTTable 3-5 -- T-6 Texan II characteristics/descriptionTable 3-6 -- T-34 Mentor characteristics/descriptionTable 3-7 -- T-39 Sabreliner characteristics/descriptionTable 3-8 -- T-44 Pegasus characteristics/descriptionTable 3-9 -- T-45 Goshawk characteristics/descriptionTable 3-10 -- EA-6B Prowler characteristics/descriptionF/A-18 Hornet characteristics/descriptionEA-18G Growler characteristics/descriptionAV-8B Harrier characteristics/descriptionP-3 Orion characteristics/descriptionP-8 Poseidon characteristics/descriptionMV-22 Osprey characteristics/descriptionC-130 Hercules characteristics/descriptionC-2 Greyhound characteristics/descriptionE-2 Hawkeye characteristics/descriptionBE-20 Super King Air characteristics/descriptionTH-57 Sea Ranger characteristics/descriptionH-53 Super Stallion/Sea Dragon characteristics/descriptionH-60 Seahawk characteristics/descriptionCH-46 Sea Knight characteristics/descriptionPredator B characteristics/descriptionUNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMSSystem ConsiderationsEND OF CHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICSEND OF CHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENTAir Installations Compatibility Use Zones (AICUZ)Compass Calibration PadFigure 4-1 -- Type I compass calibration pad.Figure 4-3 -- Compass calibration set.Figure 4-4 -- Compass calibration pad.Runway Centerline MarkingsTable 4-1 -- Other runway markingsArresting Gear Signs and MarkingsFigure 4-2 -- Arresting gear signs and markings.Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) Checkpoint MarkingsTACAN Checkpoint SignClosed, Hazardous, and Other Area MarkingsHazardous Area MarkingsFigure 4-8 -- Runway overrun markings.Figure 4-10 -- Taxiway shoulder markings.Figure 4-11 -- Overhead view of airfield and markings.Aeronautical BeaconsTable 4-2 -- Airport rotating beacon factsIdentification or Code BeaconRunway End Identification LightsTaxiway LightingMiscellaneous Airport LightingFigure 4-12 -- Visual approach slope indicator light units.Optical Landing SystemFigure 4-14 -- Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS).MISCELLANEOUS AIRFIELD EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMSMobile Communications and Control VansPrimary Crash-Phone CircuitSecondary Crash-Phone CircuitEmergency Recovery EquipmentEND OF CHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENTEND OF CHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENTSet Indicator LetterATC COMMUNICATIONS AND COORDINATION EQUIPMENTCommunications ConsolesEnhanced Terminal Voice SwitchEnhanced Terminal Voice Switch - ContinuedTypes and TechniquesVoice Recorders and ReproducersFigure 5-3 -- DALR system.DALR ConfigurationFigure 5-5 -- NICE Inform Reconstruction application screen.Maintenance and Custody of Voice/Data RecordingNAVAID MonitorsVisual CommunicationsFigure 5-8 -- VISCOM.CONTROL TOWER EQUIPMENTAFLCS Modes of OperationFigure 5-9 -- AFLCS map window.Air Traffic Activity AnalyzerAir Traffic Activity Analyzer DescriptionPortable Traffic Control LightCapabilities and Limitations of the Control LightPortable Traffic Control Light Flight Inspection ProceduresFigure 5-13 -- Tower display monitor.Video Information Distribution SystemFigure 5-14 -- Examples of VIDS ATIS edit window.General EquipmentTable 5-5 -- Airfield diagram and status board informationFigure 5-15 -- Echo principle.RADAR DisplayFigure 5-16 -- Plan position indicator.Precision Approach RADAR Indicator (OJ-333)Figure 5-18 -- Precision approach RADAR indicator.Figure 5-19 -- Functional check alignment.Alignment Verification ProceduresIMPROVED PRECISION APPROACH RADAR TRAINER (Device 15G33A)Special Circuits, Equipment, and TolerancesTable 5-6 -- Special circuitsStandard Terminal Automation Replacement SystemAir Traffic Control RADAR Beacon SystemFigure 5-21 -- Components of the secondary RADAR.Secondary Surveillance RADAR AdvantagesDirect Altitude and Identity Readout SystemAN/GPN-30 Digital Airport Surveillance RADAR (DASR-11), ASR-11FACSFAC Air Control Tracking System (FYK-17)RADAR Performance CharacteristicsFigure 5-23 -- Anomalous propagation.SHIPBOARD EQUIPMENTPrecision Approach and Landing SystemAutomatic Landing SystemAncillary EquipmentOptical Landing SystemsFigure 5-25 -- Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS).ILARTS ComponentsAN/TPX-42A(V)END OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENTEND OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATIONControlled AirspaceFigure 6-1 -- Controlled airspace classifications.Table 6-1 -- Airspaces limits, rules, and restrictionsUNCONTROLLED AIRSPACETable 6-2 -- Class G airspace limits, rules, and restrictionsSPECIAL USE AIRSPACEWarning and Alert AreasMilitary Operations AreasMilitary Training Route DefinitionAirport Advisory AreasParachute Jump AreasEND OF CHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATIONEND OF CHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICESTable 7-1 -- Billets and responsibilitiesFlight Planning Branch Airfield Status BoardsPreflight Planning PolicyFlight Plan Forms PolicyFlight Plan Forms for Military PilotsVIP Flight Plan CodesVIP Code NumberHonor Code LettersRecording Flight Data, Control Symbology, and Flight Progress StripsFlight Notification MessageTransmitting IFR Flight PlansComposite IFR/VFR Flight PlansVFR SAR ProceduresOverdue Aircraft ActionIFR SAR ProceduresResponsibility Transfer to RCCPurpose and ScopeNOTAM Codes and FormatNOTAM Codes and Format - ContinuedTable 7-12 -- Transmitting NOTAMsEND OF CHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICESEND OF CHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURESGENERAL FLIGHT RULESTable 8-1 -- CFR rulesTable 8-1 -- CFR rules - ContinuedNavy Rules Concerning Converging with FormationsExceptions to Aircraft Speed LimitsAltimeter SettingsCompliance with ATC InstructionsAirspace OperationsAirspace Operations - ContinuedAirspace Operations - ContinuedAirspace Operations - ContinuedAirspace Operations - ContinuedVISUAL FLIGHT RULESTable 8-4 -- Cloud and visibility clearance requirementsWeather Conditions Precluding VFR FlightINSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULESIFR Cruising Altitude or Flight LevelVertical Separation MinimaTable 8-7 -- Flight directionSECURITY CONTROL OF AIR TRAFFIC (CFR PART 99)Radio RequirementsPosition ReportingEND OF CHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURESEND OF CHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ContinuedCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONSControl Tower ResponsibilitiesOperating PositionsGround ControlGENERAL CONTROL TOWER PROCEDURESLanding Gear ChecksAutomatic Terminal Information ServiceRunway Use and ConditionsOperational PriorityLight Gun SignalTRAFFIC PATTERNSFigure 9-2 -- Downwind entry.Overhead Approach Pattern ComponentsGround Traffic MovementGround Traffic Movement - ContinuedTaxi and Ground Movement OperationsTaxi and Ground Movement Operations - ContinuedARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURESEND OF CHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONSEND OF CHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONSRADAR Room EquipmentRADAR Branch ChiefOPERATING POSITIONSSpecial Use Airspace Sector ControlGENERAL RADAR OPERATING PROCEDURESEstablishing RADAR IdentificationTransfer of RADAR IdentificationTransfer of RADAR Identification - ContinuedArrival InformationSPECIFIC RADAR PROCEDURESPAR Target Interpretation and Glide Path StandardsFigure 10-1 -- Glide path information.Safety Limits ExceededEMERGENCY ASSISTANCETable 10-2 -- Emergency assistance requirementsRADAR Assistance to VFR Aircraft in Weather DifficultyCommunications FailureEND OF CHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONSEND OF CHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONSTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions Table 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedTable 11-1 -- Shipboard operations terms and definitions - ContinuedAir Ops Operating PositionsTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and dutiesTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedTable 11-3 -- CCA operating positions and duties - ContinuedCATCC CONTROL CRITERIATable 11-4 -- Weather criteria for departures and recoveriesDeparture and Recovery RestrictionsSeparation CriteriaTable 11-6 -- Lateral separationCATCC DEPARTURE PROCEDURESFigure 11-1 -- Departure fan and reference radials.Departure Voice ReportsDepartures and RendezvousTable 11-10 -- Departure proceduresCATCC ARRIVAL PROCEDURESAircraft Recovery InformationTable 11-11 -- Standard CV-1 marshal patternMarshal Altitude Assignment and SeparationTable 11-12 -- Approach weather minimumsTable 11-13 -- Types of approachFigure 11-2 -- Approach chart CV-1 TACAN (jet and turboprop).Figure 11-3 -- Approach chart CV-2 TACAN overhead (jet and turboprop)Figure 11-4 -- Approach chart CV-3 TACAN (helicopter)Table 11-14 -- PALS modes of aircraft controlPALS Modes of Aircraft ControlNonprecision ApproachDelta Signal CompositionTanking TermsTanker PatternsTable 11-16 -- VMC tanker pattern altitudesFigure 11-6 -- Rendezvous low pattern.Figure 11-7 -- Tanking pattern.AMPHIBIOUS ATC SCOPEAATCC Operating PositionsAATCC SupervisorApproach ControlDeparture ControlTACC Functional AreasTACC Operating PositionsTactical Air Traffic ControllerCase of Departure and RecoveryTable 11-19 -- Departure restrictionsAdvisory ControlLateral SeparationTable 11-21 -- Vertical separation for Jet and turboprop aircraftsAMPHIBIOUS DEPARTURE PROCEDURESFigure 11-8 -- Case III helicopter departure patterns.Table 11-24 -- Fixed wing departure proceduresDeparture Voice ReportsAMPHIBIOUS ARRIVAL PROCEDURESAATCC Arrival InformationTable 11-27 -- Vertical separation in marshalHelicopter Marshal ProceduresFigure 11-9 -- Approach chart for LH-4 (helicopter).Figure 11-10 -- Approach chart for LH-5 (helicopter).Helicopter Emergency Marshal PatternsFigure 11-11 -- Helicopter emergency marshal patterns (sheet 1 of 2).Figure 11-11 -- Helicopter emergency marshal patterns (sheet 2 of 2).Fixed Wing Aircraft Marshal ProceduresFixed Wing Approach Procedures under Case II ConditionsFixed Wing Approach Procedures under Special Case II ConditionsFixed Wing Emergency Marshal ProceduresFigure 11-12 -- Fixed wing emergency marshal.Figure 11-13 -- Delta and Charlie patterns for helicoptersHelicopter Night Case I Recovery PatternFigure 11-14 -- Helicopter Night Case I Recovery Pattern.Fixed Wing Night Aided Recovery Procedures under Case I ConditionsFixed Wing Approach Procedures under Case II ConditionsFixed Wing Approach Procedures Under Case III ConditionsTable 11-29 -- Helicopters approach minimumsFigure 11-15 -- Approach chart for LH-1 (fixed wing).Figure 11-16 -- Approach chart for LH-2 (fixed wing).Figure 11-17 -- Approach chart for LH-3 (fixed wing).END OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONSEND OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONSManagement PositionsFacility Watch SupervisorGeneral Management IssuesTrainees Assigned to Operating PositionsIncident/Mishap Data Collection ProceduresRetention of Voice/Data RecordingsPreliminary InvestigationRoutine Air Traffic System Hazard (Operational Deviation)CERTIFICATION PROGRAMInitial RequirementsAuthority to Suspend or Revoke CTO Ratings or CertificatesWhen to Consider Revocation of the ATCS CertificateTotal Training HoursMaximum Training TimeTable 12-4 -- TTH for flight planning positionCurrency Requirements (Other Than Final Control)Controllers under InstructionFacility Logs, Manuals, and ReportsFacility Logs, Manuals, and Reports - ContinuedFacility Logs, Manuals, and Reports - ContinuedFacility Manual and Facility DirectivesReport of Annual Terminal Instrument Procedures ReviewATC CONTINGENCY PLANHow the Contingency Plan WorksCommanding Officers' ResponsibilitiesFlight Inspection TypesControllers Involved in Flight InspectionsStrength ClassificationFacility ClassificationEND OF CHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONSEND OF CHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ContinuedEND OF CHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHERCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 1 - AVIATION WEATHER - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATIONCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 2 - AIR NAVIGATION AND AIDS TO AIR NAVIGATION - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICSCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 3 - MILITARY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, AND CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 - AIRPORT LIGHTING, MARKINGS, AND EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 5 - AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT - ContinuedCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 6 - AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 7 - FLIGHT ASSISTANCE SERVICES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 8 - GENERAL FLIGHT RULES AND IFR AND SVFR CONTROL PROCEDURES - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 9 - CONTROL TOWER OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 - RADAR OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 11 - SHIPBOARD OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 12 - FACILITY OPERATIONS - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARYAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I - GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX II - REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSEAPPENDIX II - REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSE - ContinuedAPPENDIX II - REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSE - ContinuedAPPENDIX II - REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSE - ContinuedAPPENDIX II - REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS NONRESIDENT TRAINING COURSE - ContinuedAPPENDIX III - Answers to End of Chapter QuestionsAPPENDIX III - Answers to End of Chapter Questions - ContinuedAPPENDIX III - Answers to End of Chapter Questions - ContinuedAPPENDIX III - Answers to End of Chapter Questions - ContinuedAPPENDIX III - Answers to End of Chapter Questions - Continued