ATCoach is an advanced, multi-purpose, real-time Air Traffic Control Simulator system
used with the STARS. ATCoach supports the generation of data needed to supply
automation systems with surveillance, weather, and flight data used for running
exercises and developing site and scenario data for the purpose of training and
evaluating AT operators and testing STARS. ATCoach can be displayed on STARS Full
Service Level (FSL) and Emergency Service Level (ESL) displays. ATCoach is hosted
and run on the Test and Training Simulator (TTS) and General Purpose Workstation
(GPW). The Test and Training Simulator Equipment (TTSE) serves as the Instructor
platform, the GPWs serve as the pseudo pilot platforms, and the TCWs/TDWs serve as
the student workstations. A mouse and keyboard are used to select control functions.
Video Map Requests
Requests for STARS RADAR video maps shall be submitted directly to
preferred) for production and distribution except MVAC video maps which shall be
routed through NAVFIG. Requests for RATCF/DAIR system RADAR video maps shall
be sent to NAVFIG on OPNAV Form 13910/9. Instructions for preparing NAWCAD
Form 1 and OPNAV Form 13910/9 can be found in the NAVAIR 00-80T-114 Appendix
Also, as defined and directed by the DOD STARS OSF Team, the following time
parameters shall apply for all DOD SOS Adaptation Change Requests (ACR):
Prior to the 10th of each month:
Priority 3 (Routine) - 20 days (coincides with the monthly GTM update)
Priority 2 (Urgent) - 10 days
Priority 1 (Safety Critical) - 3 days
After the 10th of each month:
Priority 3 (routine) - 50 days (to coincide with the next monthly GTM update)
Priority 2 (Urgent) - 10 days
Priority 1 (Safety Critical) - 3 days
Air Traffic Control RADAR Beacon System
Secondary surveillance RADAR is the term used for the ATC RADAR beacon system.
This is in contrast to primary RADAR that was described during the earlier discussion of
the echo principal. Secondary surveillance RADAR is a separate system and is capable
of independent operation. In normal ATC use, secondary surveillance RADAR is slaved
with DASR. Each associated PPI displays both primary and secondary RADAR targets.
The functions of the ATC RADAR beacon are as follows: