8. RADAR Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) This rating is applicable to the
following facilities:
Class IIIB The holder is qualified on all operating positions within the
RADAR branch.
Class IVB The holder is qualified on all operating positions within the
RADAR branch excluding approach control.
RADAR branch excluding approach control and en route.
9. RFC Holder is qualified as a PAR, ASR, and, where applicable, precision
approach landing system (PALS) final controller. At facilities where the TRACON,
RATCF, CATCC, or AATCC rating is applicable, the RADAR final controller will
normally be a position qualification and not an ATCS rating. Such facilities may,
however, utilize the RFC rating when manning or experience levels prohibit
continued training toward TRACON, RATCF, CATCC, or AATCC.
10. TRACON This rating is applicable to the following facilities:
Class IVB The holder is qualified on all operating positions within the
RADAR branch.
RADAR branch excluding en route.
Supervisory designations are not required for issuing of ratings.
Authority to Suspend or Revoke CTO Ratings or Certificates
With ATCFO concurrence, the CTO Examiner may suspend a CTO rating.
To revoke the CTO certificate of a controller, the ATCFO forwards their
recommendation to revoke to CNO (N8853). If in agreement, CNO will endorse and
forward the recommendation to the FAA. The FAA has final revocation authority for
CTO certificates.
Authority to Suspend or Recommend Revocation ATCS Ratings and Certificates
The commanding officer may suspend or recommend revocation of an ATCS facility
rating. However, CNO (N8853) is the final revocation authority for ATCS certificates
issued under the authority delineated in NATOPS Air Traffic Control Facilities Manual,
NAVAIR 00-80T-114.
Suspension of ATCS Ratings
A rating must be suspended when controller performance of duties adversely affects the
facility's efficiency or safety of flight. In addition, ATCF management is required to