When a flight is to depart after 0500 local time on the day
following the filing of the flight plan, do not transmit the flight
plan to the ARTCC until after 0000 local time. Flight plan
storage is zeroed out at midnight.
Composite IFR/VFR Flight Plans
When a pilot files a composite flight plan that contains both an IFR and VFR portion, the
flight plan is transmitted to the ARTCC in the area of responsibility for which the IFR
portion of the flight originates.
IFR Departure Reports
Unless alternate procedures are prescribed in a letter of agreement or automatic
departure messages are being transmitted between automated facilities, you should
forward IFR aircraft departure times to the facility from which the ATC clearance was
Normally, Navy ATC facilities use automated departure messages (DM) to activate the
IFR handling process. Also, Flight Planning personnel transmit an IFR flight notification
message via Leased A/B system (LABS) to the destination airport.
IFR Arrival Reports
When the destination Flight Planning personnel receive an IFR flight notification
message, they hold it in suspense until they receive an arrival time from the control
tower. Just as IFR handling is initiated automatically, it is also terminated automatically.
Flight planning personnel will send an arrival report via LABS to the departure airport
only when requested by the departure airport.
Flight Advisory Messages
Flight advisory messages are messages that are relayed to both IFR and VFR aircraft in
flight. Flight advisory messages are only issued when the aircraft will encounter
hazardous conditions or when hazardous conditions may arise.
When the aircraft destination is a civil airport, the destination FSS issues the advisories
to inbound aircraft. If the destination is a military base, base operations issues the