At facilities that are closed prior to the beginning of the new
business day, changes in status can occur during
nonoperational hours. If the status of equipment or other
facility operations has changed from status reported on
previous day s Daily Record, changes shall be noted in
Watch Checklist entry, as well as time of status change, if
known (e.g., WCLC-ABC TACAN RTS 0700).
5. Emergencies
6. A list of equipment checks required during each watch, e.g., recorder checks,
emergency generator checks, bail-out alarm checks, etc. Make an entry
(―WCLC‖) when the watch checklist has been completed. Notify the organization
responsible for corrective action on equipment malfunctions. Record equipment
malfunctions, equipment released for maintenance, notification information
and/or course of action taken to correct problem, and return of equipment to
Air Traffic Control Facility Officer (ATCFO) may assign ATC
equipment to specific branches for log entry purposes to
eliminate duplication.
Place a large letter ―E‖ in the left hand margin beside entries on equipment
malfunctions when equipment is restored to service and on entries related to
equipment problems that require maintenance involvement. The ―E‖ is not
required for routine maintenance items or for carryover entries on previously
entered equipment malfunctions.
7. Other items deemed appropriate by ATCFO
Position Log
A position log shall be maintained on the VIDS for each branch supervisor, operating
position, and flight planning position in an ATC facility ashore. If VIDS is not available, a
paper or electronic Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 7230-10 may be used.
The purpose is to ensure a formal turnover as relief occurs and to establish a reliable
record of position manning and accountability as well as controller currency. The
position log shall contain the following:
1. Facility three-letter identification