ATC IFR Clearance
clearance is given by the ATC facility having IFR authority over the airspace where the
flight is to be conducted.
Required Items of a Clearance
The required items of an IFR clearance are as follows:
Aircraft's identification
Clearance limit
Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
Route of flight including PDR/PDAR/PAR when applied
Altitude data in the order flown
Mach number, if applicable
Holding instructions
Any special information
CFR Part 99 prescribes rules for operating aircraft in a defense area or into, within, or
out of the United States through an ADIZ.
Security Control of Air Traffic
National security in the control of air traffic is governed by CFR, Part 99 and Security
Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids (SCATANA), OPNAVINST 3722.30 for the
Navy. All aircraft entering domestic U.S. airspace from points outside it must provide
identification before entry. To facilitate early identification of all aircraft in the vicinity of
the United States and its international airspace boundaries, ADIZs have been
ADIZ Flight Plan Requirements
No person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ
unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate
aeronautical facility or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control.
Unless ATC authorizes an abbreviated flight plan:
1. A flight plan for IFR flight must contain the information specified in CFR 91.169
2. A flight plan for VFR flight must contain the information specified in CFR
91.153(a) (1) through (6)