primary RADAR, the ATCRBS coverage is a function of many factors such as specific
location, antenna patterns, and so forth.
Strength Classification
Usable RADAR coverage does not mean a usable target return on every scan at every
azimuth and all usable altitudes. Controllers use the target strength classifications
shown in Table 12-5.
Primary RADAR
Usable target. Target leaves trail or persists from scan-to-scan
Strength 3
without trail.
Usable target. Target shows each scan and remains on the
Strength 2
display for at least 1/3 of the scan.
Strength 1
Unusable target. Weak target, barely visible, possible miss.
Strength 0
Unusable target. No visible target.
Secondary RADAR
Strength 1
Usable target. Visible target, satisfactory for ATC purposes.
Unusable target. No visible target, unsatisfactory for ATC
Strength 0
Table 12-5 -- Target strength classifications
Facility Status
When a flight inspection of a system is done, the flight inspection team performs certain
actions and assigns a classification to inspected systems.
Post Flight Inspection Actions
Upon completion of a flight inspection, the flight inspection team should perform the
following actions: