Movement of aircraft or vehicles on nonmovement areas is
the responsibility of the pilot, the aircraft operator, or the
airport management.
2. When authorizing an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway and hold-short
instructions are not issued, specify the runway proceeded by ―taxi to,‖ and issue
taxi instructions. This authorizes the aircraft to ―cross‖ all runways/taxiways which
the taxi route intersects except the assigned takeoff runway. This does not
authorize the aircraft to ―enter‖ or ―cross‖ the assigned takeoff runway at any
3. Specify the runway for departure, taxi instructions, and hold-short restrictions
when an aircraft will be required to hold short of a runway or other points along
the taxi route.
4. Request a read back of runway hold short instructions when it is not received
from the pilot/vehicle operator.
Read back hold instructions phraseology may be initiated
for any point on a movement area when the controller
believes the read back is necessary.
5. Issue progressive taxi/ground movement instructions when:
A pilot/operator requests
The specialist deems it necessary due to traffic or field conditions, e.g.,
construction or closed taxiways
When visibility is reduced, especially when the taxi route is not visible from
the tower
Progressive instructions may include step-by-step
directions and/or directional turns.
6. Issue instructions to expedite a taxiing aircraft or a moving vehicle.