C (PENDING) - Space used to display registers for discrepancies that are assigned but not in work due to delays, such as lack of support equipment, respot, etc.
D (TRAINING) - Space used to display training/qualifications required within a particular work center. Green and orange tabs are used to indicate individual training/qualification status.
E (AWM) - Space used to display registers for discrepancies that are not presently assigned.
F (AWP) - Space used to display discrepancy registers that are in an awaiting parts status.
G (SE REQUIREMENTS) - Space used to display UP/DOWN status of support equipment within a particular work center.
The intermediate maintenance VIDS board (fig. 4-14) displays items that are considered essential to the production control effort. Refer to figure 4-14 as you read this section for the location of the information discussed below.
A (WC& EQUIP) - Space used to display the equipment PN/WUC and the number of the work center making the repair.
B (SE) - Space used to display support equipment status. Under SE, an orange signal tab is used to indicate test equipment/bench inoperable, or a yellow signal tab is used to indicate partial capability.
C (QTY) - Space used to display the quantity of a particular PN/WUC capable of being worked on at any one time due to manpower and/or test equipment availability.
D (LRCA LIMITS) - Space used to display the maximum allowable local repair cycle assets (LRCA) due to fixed allowances under the HI column and the low LRCA level under the LOW column.
E (PRI) - Space used to show the workload priority by use of colored signal tabs. Tabs may be placed over each individual VIDS/MAF. A green tab is used for LRCA level (pool critical), a blue tab for LRCA (pool zero), and a red tab for expeditious repair (EXREP).
F (AWM) - Space used to display VIDS/ MAFs for equipment and/or components awaiting maintenance that are in backlog.
G (IN WORK) - Space used to display VIDS/MAFs for equipment that is currently being repaired.
Figure 4-14. - Intermediate maintenance VIDS board.
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