Maintenance requirements system index that lists, by WUC, the system and MRC number of the requirements to be performed.
Conditional inspection listing that contains a brief description of the condition and inspection to be performed and a reference to the manual or directive containing the detailed requirements.
The phase change implementation card provides a list of requirements to be performed to prevent under inspection of critical components, following an update with renumbered requirements.
As an AZ, you should be knowledgeable about the various types of aircraft inspections and inspection procedures so that you can use the appropriate publications and associated records, forms, and files. The following paragraphs provide the basic information about the various aircraft inspections.
The maintenance/material control officer holds a planning meeting in advance of each calendar/phase inspection with the inspection crew supervisor and representatives of the material control, quality assurance/analysis (QA/A), and other applicable work centers. The purpose of the meeting is to prepare the SCC by adding any additional requirements to the chart. Additional requirements added at this time are recent local or command maintenance items, discrepancies, component replacements, change incorporations, and other items that cannot be anticipated or programmed into all inspections on a fixed basis.
After the preinspection planning meeting, the marked-up SCC is forwarded to the QA/A division. There, personnel certify that local inspection procedures are incorporated, that necessary MRCs and publications are on hand, and that the required maintenance personnel are available and alerted. The marked copy of the chart is then forwarded to the inspection supervisor. The inspection supervisor prepares the forms that are required for the inspection.
To initiate the calendar/phased inspection, the inspection supervisor issues MRCs (in the sequence prescribed by the SCC) to personnel of each rating who make up the inspection crew. A VIDS/MAF is issued to check crew personnel each time a segment of the card set is issued for accomplishment. When the inspection or servicing requirements specified on the cards are fulfilled, the VIDS/MAF is completed by the person doing the work or by the crew leader and returned, along with the MRCs, to the inspection supervisor.
When an MRC is issued, the inspection supervisor marks the SCC to indicate what card is issued. When completed cards are returned to the inspection supervisor, he/she marks the SCC again. Even though the workstand provides a physical accounting by separating the completed and uncompleted MRCs, the inspection supervisor double-checks the return of each MRC by noting it on the SCC. A mark should exist for each completed card, for each card not in the possession of the supervisor, and for each card that could not be completed due to parts on order or unscheduled maintenance.
The appropriate specialist of the inspection crew is responsible for accomplishing and completing each issued MRC. When completed, each card should be returned to the inspection supervisor. Uncompleted MRCs are also returned to the inspection supervisor. The VIDS/MAF contains entries listing the number of cards and items completed. If items were not completed, the VIDS/MAF should contain a notation, in detail, as to which items were not completed and why. Individual crew members are not normally issued MRCs at any one time that have task totals in excess of 2 hours. This practice helps to ensure positive control of the inspection process.
Control of the status and scheduling of the calendar/phase inspection is the responsibility of the inspection supervisor. All discrepancies discovered should be cleared through the inspection supervisor. The inspection supervisor informs the appropriate work center supervisor of discrepancies that cannot be corrected by the calendar/phase maintenance crew.
Scheduled maintenance tasks, properly conducted, ensure that all aeronautical equipment receive all the necessary inspections, preventive maintenance, and servicing that are required. The various types of inspections that are performed by activities responsible for the maintenance of aeronautical equipment are described in the following paragraphs.
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