is identified by placing in the lower right corner the word Encl and the number assigned to it, the abbreviated functional title of the addressor, the abbreviated word "ltr," and the date of the letter. If a carbon copy of the original letter is attached to an enclosure that goes under separate cover, only the word Encl and the assigned number need be indicated on the transmittal.
Ordinarily, a transmittal of multiple copies of the same material is considered a single enclosure, and only one copy is labeled. The number of copies should be indicated on the "Encl" line.
TEXT. - The text (or body) of the letter begins two lines below the preceding line of typing. When drafting a letter, you should refer to the latest edition of The Navy Correspondence Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5, for detailed information on how the body of the letter should be organized.
PARAGRAPHING. - Major paragraphs are numbered flush at the left margin with Arabic numerals followed by a period. Two spaces are allowed between the period and the beginning of the first word. The text of the letter is single spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs and subparagraphs.
Subparagraphs are indented four spaces from the left margin and are lettered with small letters, followed by a period. The second and succeeding lines extend between the left and right margins.
Each further degree of subdivision is indented correspondingly. Sub-subparagraphs are marked by numerals in parentheses; the next degree by small letters in parentheses. If subparagraphs are needed, use at least two.
Paragraphs should not begin at the end of the page unless there is space for at least two lines of the text on the first page and at least two lines are carried over to the next page.
SIGNATURE. - The typed or stamped signature, in block style, begins at the center of the page. It is placed four lines below the last line of the text. Last names are always typed in capitals wherever they appear in official correspondence. Neither the rank nor, as a rule, the functional title of the signing official is shown in the signature.
A functional title is added, however, for a chief of staff, or a similar official authorized to sign correspondence without use of the term By direction, and also for an executive officer or similar official authorized to sign orders affecting pay and allowances. (NOTE: The term B y direction means signed by direction of the commanding officer, and it is only used when the person signing is authorized in writing to do so.)
"COPY TO" LINE. - The "Copy to" line is placed at the left margin, two lines below the last line of the signature information. Copy to is not abbreviated. Officials receiving copies are listed, with titles abbreviated, below the words copy to, even with the left margin. In naval correspondence, the "Copy to" addressees may be indicated on the original as well as on all carbons. If copies of any of the enclosures listed in the heading are sent to "Copy to" addressees, the words with encl and the enclosure numbers assigned in the heading are added in parentheses after the title of each recipient.
PAGING. - The first page of a letter is not numbered unless classified TOP SECRET. Each page of a TOP SECRET letter is numbered as follows:
On all other correspondence, second and succeeding pages are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals beginning with 2, centered one-half inch from the bottom of the page. The numerals are typed without parentheses, dashes, or periods.
The signature page of a letter exceeding one page in length should contain a minimum of two lines of the text.
Repeat the subject shown on the first page on the sixth line from the top of the second and succeeding pages.
ASSEMBLING A LETTER. - The correspondence file that accompanies the letter to be signed is arranged according to the instructions of the signing official. The arrangement outlined below is merely a guide, which may be varied to conform to local practices.
1. Briefing sheet as prescribed locally
2. Outgoing letter, arranged in normal order
3. Courtesy copy, if required
4. Enclosures, if any, arranged in the order listed in the letter
5. Copies for "Via" addressees with enclosures
6. Envelopes, if required
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