switch is used as an armament safety override to bypass
the open landing gear safety circuit when the LDG GEAR
handle is in the DN position. This lets you make func-
tional checks of the system during ground maintenance.
Missile Control System
The missile control system consists of the controls
and components you have already read about. It also
contains the following missile system controls and
Weapons status indicators
Liquid (LIQ) cooling control panel
Aft cockpit caution advisory panel
The AIM-54 and AIM-7 missile fire control systems
help to select, prepare, and launch AIM-54 and AIM-7
missiles. The AIM-54 is a long-range, semiactive, radar
midcourse guided and active radar terminal guided
missile. It operates in either the normal or boresight
mode. The F-14 carries a maximum of six AIM-54
missiles-two are suspended from multipurpose pylons
on stations 1B and 8B, and the remaining four at
weapons rail stations 3R, 4R, 5R, and 6R. The AIM-7
is a medium-range, semiactive, radar-guided missile. It
also operates in either the normal or boresight mode.
The F-14 carries a maximum of six AIM-7
missilestwo are suspended from multipurpose pylons
on stations 1B and 8B and four at semisubmerged
fuselage stations 3, 4, 5, and 6.
The AIM-9 fire control system enables selecting,
preparing, and firing of the AIM-9 (series) missiles. The
AIM-9 missile is a supersonic, short-range, air-to-air
intercept missile that uses passive infrared for target
detection and guidance. The F-14 carries a maximum
of four AIM-9 missiles-one missile each on stations
1A, 1B, 8A, and 8B.
The weapons status indicators are located on the
ACM panel. They notify the pilot of the weapon status
of the AIM-9 missiles on stations 1A, 1B, 8A, and 8B.
The Sidewinder cool (SW COOL) switch (fig. 15-1)
is a two-position, push-button switch on the ACM panel.
This switch is used to generate the AIM-9 missile cool
signal to cool the missiles. When in the ACM encounter
mode, AIM-9 missile cooling is automatically selected,
regardless of the SW COOL switch position.
The throttle quadrant, located on the left side
console of the forward cockpit, contains the
CAGE/SEAM push-button switch for initiating the
Sidewinder expanded acquisition mode (SEAM)
lock-on command. The pilot presses the CAGE/SEAM
push-button switch when the missile is locked on the
target, as indicated by the AIM-9 tone in the pilot
headset. The SEAM LOCK advisory indicator, located
on the ACM panel, lights to notify the pilot that the
AIM-9 missile selected is locked on the target. A tone
volume control panel with an SW potentiometer, located
on the pilots left side console, controls the AIM-9 tone
to the pilots headset.
Multiple Weapons Release System
The multiple weapons release system has basic
controls and components and multiple weapons system
controls and components. They are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
The bomb release and rocket control systems enable
selecting, preparing, and delivering of the air-to-ground
stores. Weapons that can be carried on stations 3R, 4R,
5R, and 6R range from general-purpose bombs of
various sizes to CBU, and GBUs.
M61A1 20-MM Automatic Gun Fire
Control System
The M61A1 20-mm automatic gun fire control
system enables selecting, arming, and firing of the gun.
Depending upon the mission objective, the gun fire
control system can be operated in an air-to-ground
(A/G), air-to-air (A/A), or air combat maneuver (ACM
encounter) mode. Two attack modes of operation are
availablecomputer pilot attack mode and manual
attack mode. The computer pilot attack mode operates
with the weapon control system, command signal
decoder system (CSDC), and the vertical display
indicator system to display target data. The manual
attack mode is used primarily as a backup mode to
provide a manually controlled sight reticle if a system
malfunction occurs.
(fig. 15-1) is located on the ACM panel. It is a
two-position, push-button, indicator switch that selects
HIGH (6,000 rounds per minute) or LOW (4,000 rounds
per minute) rate of fire. This switch is only active in the
A/G and A/A modes.
A/G GUN SWITCH. The A/G GUN switch (fig.
15-2) is located on the armament control indicator panel.
It is a two-position toggle switch that enables or inhibits
a mixed bomb and gun mode operation. The MIXED
position enables bomb and gun mode operation while
the OFF position inhibits it.
GUN CONTROL UNIT. The gun control unit,
located above the gun barrels, contains the BURST