Figure 11-4.Security Container Check Sheet, Standard Form 702.
Security containers have been locked by the
responsible custodians, and the dial of combination
locks has been rotated at least four complete times in
the same direction in securing safes, files, or cabinets.
heavy-duty grilles, screens, or bars on ground floor
windows and other accessible openings if the building
is in an exclusion or limited security area. The
protective grilles and screens have the additional value
of preventing missiles such as hand grenades and
incendiaries from being hurled through the windows
from outside the perimeter.
At a shore establishment, the precautions taken to
Classified information should not be disclosed
protect classified information include trimming
through conversations. Inspections of spaces should
shrubbery outside ground floor offices that would
be made for unauthorized wiring and possible
afford cover for possible prowlers, and installing
concealment of listening devices in such places as