This block contains the name/shift, toolbox inventory, date, man-hours, and elapsed M/T columns described below.
Name/shift column. The name and or shift of personnel performing the work.
Toolbox/tool container inventory verification. This column is used to help ensure that tools are not left on the job. Each worker having a tool container on the job enters the number of the container in this column. Upon return to the work center, a sight inventory of the tool container is made by the work center supervisor/quality assurance inspector and initialed or stamped to the right of the tool container number.
Date column. The Julian date on which the action takes place is entered in this column.
Man-hours column. The number of man-hours that were expended to correct the discrepancy (in hours and tenths of hours) is entered.
Elapsed M/T column. The number of clock hours involved in making the repair (in hours and tenths of hours) is entered. For example, if three people worked together for 2.5 hours to make a repair, the total man-hours would be 7.5, and the elapsed M/T would be 2.5 hours.
ACCUMULATED AWM HOURS BLOCK. This block is used to record the hours accumulated during the SCIR-related time of a discrepancy. This block is best used by recording the beginning date and time of the AWM period with the proper reason code. At the end of the AWM period, calculate the accumulated AWM hours and enter in the hours section of this block.
NOTE: A complete list of AWM codes are contained in an appendix to the latest edition of OPNAVINST 4790.2.
H-Z FAILED/REQUIRED MATERIAL BLOCK. This block is used to document the following information:
1. A failed part without an (AWP) situation awaiting part
2. A failed part and an AWP situation occurring simultaneously (IMA only)
An AWP situation without a failed part (IMA only)
4. A supply request only, no failed part or AWP situation
This section is also used for engine identification and subsequent failed parts reporting against the identified engine.
BLOCK A22 - WORK UNIT CODE. The WUC identifying the system, subsystem, or component on which work is being performed is entered in this block.
BLOCK A29 - ACTION ORGANIZATION CODE. The organization code of the organization accomplishing the work is entered.
BLOCK A32 - TRANS (TRANSACTION CODE). A two-character numeric transaction code that describes the type of action accomplished on the document.
BLOCK A34 - MAINT/L (MAINTENANCE LEVEL). A numeric 1, 2, or 3 that describes the level of maintenance being performed (not necessarily the level assigned to the activity).
BLOCK A35 - ACT TAKEN (ACTION TAKEN). The one-character alpha or numeric code that describes the action taken to correct the discrepancy.
BLOCK A36 - MAL CODE (MALFUNCTION DESCRIPTION CODE). The three character alpha/numeric code that best describes the trouble or cause of trouble in the system or component identified in the WUC block (A22).
BLOCK A39 - ITEMS/P (ITEMS PROCESSED). The number of times the action indicated in block A35 (action taken) was taken against the item described in the WUC block A22. VIDS/MAFs submitted for close outs by work centers at the end of or during a reporting period will indicate 0 items processed.
BLOCK A41 - MAN-HOURS. The number of man-hours that were expended to correct the discrepancy (in hours and tenths of hours).
BLOCK A45 - ELAPSED M/T (ELAPSED MAINTENANCE TIME). The number of clock hours involved in making the repair (in hours and tenths of hours). For example, if three people
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