worked together for 2.5 hours to make a repair, the total man-hours (block A41) would be 7.5 hours, and the elapsed maintenance time would be 2.5 hours.
TECHNICAL DIRECTIVE IDENTIFICATION SECTION. The 12- or 13-character code that identifies the specific technical directive incorporated or being incorporated in the type of equipment identified in block A48. This section is divided into blocks F08 through F19 as described below.
Block F08 - Interim. An X indicates an interim-type directive. Otherwise, the block is left blank.
Block F09 - Code. The two-character code that denotes the type of directive being incorporated.
Block F11 - Basic number. The basic technical directive number. Only the basic technical number is entered, preceded by a zero or zeros, as necessary, to complete the four-digit block.
Block F15 - RV (revision). A one alpha character that denotes the specific revision of the basic technical directive. It is left blank if it is not applicable. Block F16 - AM (amendment). The numeric amendment number of the basic technical directive. It is left- blank if not applicable.
Block F17 - Part. The two-character numeric number of the basic directive. It is left blank if not applicable.
Block F19 - Kit. The two-character number of the specific kit incorporated. If no kit is required, 00 is entered in this section.
BLOCK A48 - TYPE EQUIP (TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE). The type equipment code that describes the end item on which the work is being performed.
BLOCK A52 - BU/SER NUMBER (BUREAU/ SERIAL NUMBER). The bureau or serial number of the equipment or end item on which work is being performed, If more than six digits, enter the last six. This block must not be blank . Enter O in this block when the VIDS/MAF is used to document work on a group of like items (jacks, stands, common aeronautical equipment, or items not identified by bureau/serial number).
BLOCK A58 - DISCD (WHEN DISCOVERED CODE). The when discovered code is a single alpha character that identifies when the need for maintenance was discovered.
BLOCK A59 - T/M (TYPE MAINTENANCE CODE). The one character alpha or numeric code that describes the type of maintenance being performed.
BLOCK A60 - POSIT (POSITION SENSITIVE INDICATOR). The two-digit PSI of a component that has been identified in the applicable work unit code (WUC) manual by a double asterisk.
BLOCK A62 - FID (FAULT ISOLATION DETECTION). Leave blank; reserved for future use.
BLOCK A65 - SAFETY/EI SER (SAFETY/ ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION SERIAL NUMBER). Enter the locally assigned four-digit safety EI serial number.
BLOCK A69 - METER. Enter the SE meter reading for on-equipment work on G, H, or S TECS.
SE MFGR - Leave blank.
BLOCK A74- Leave blank; reserved for future use.
BLOCK F21 - INVENTORY CODE. The one-digit inventory code that describes the status of the aircraft during the transaction.
BLOCK F22 - PERMANENT UNIT CODE. The six-digit PUC of the organization completing the transaction.
BLOCK F28 - Leave blank; reserved for future use.
REPAIR CYCLE BLOCKS. These blocks include the RECEIVED, IN WORK, and COMPLETED blocks, which are described below.
Received blocks, Enter in blocks B08 and B12, respectively, the Julian date and time the
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