discrepancy was reported. Enter in block B16 the appropriate equipment operational capability (EOC) code that describes the degradation of the aircraft's mission capability.
In work blocks. Enter in blocks B19 and B23, respectively, the Julian date and time work was begun on the discrepancy. Enter in block B27 the proper EOC.
Completed block. Enter in blocks B30 and B34, respectively, the Julian date and the time the repair action was completed.
AWAITING MAINTENANCE REASON AND HOURS BLOCKS. These blocks include blocks B38 through B49. In these blocks, the applicable AWM hours and reason codes for SCIR-related maintenance actions are entered. They are filled out at the end of the maintenance action or upon close out. The order of significance is determined by local policy.
MAINTENANCE SUPPLY RECORD BLOCKS. These blocks are used to record job status, date, time, and EOC as described below.
Job Status Blocks B53-D08. Enter the proper alpha character prefix for any change in status. The alpha characters M (maintenance) and S (supply) are used. The-prefix S is used when maintenance is halted due to awaiting parts. The prefix M is used to indicate the end of an AWP status or change in mission capability.
Date Blocks B54-D09. Enter the Julian date when the S or M situation begins.
Time Blocks B58-D13. Enter the time when the S or M situation begins.
EOC Blocks B62-D17. Enter the appropriate EOC that describes the degradation to the aircraft's mission capability. These entries apply to SCIR-related discrepancies only.
REMOVED/OLD ITEM BLOCKS. Blocks E08 through E52 are completed on the VIDS/ MAF when a repairable component and/or part is removed from the end item or major component on which work is being performed, or when transaction code 47 is used. Enter the manufacturer's code, serial number, and part number or lot number for aircraft cartridges, cartridge-actuated devices, or aircrew escape propulsion devices. (If the part number is more than 15 characters, enter the last 15. ) In block E38, enter the Julian date when the repairable component is removed from the equipment. In block E42, enter the applicable time and/or cycle, preceded by an alpha character. In block E47, if the item is under warranty, enter a W followed by four digits to indicate the length of the warranty period. In block E52, if the item is under warranty, enter an X, followed by the last four characters of the contract number.
INSTALLED/NEW ITEM BLOCKS. Blocks G08 through G48 are completed on the VIDS/ MAF when a repairable component and/or part is installed on the end item or major component on which work is being performed, or when transaction code 47 is used. Enter the manufacturer's code, serial number, and part number or lot number for aircraft cartridges, cartridge-actuated devices, or aircrew escape propulsion devices. (If the part number is more than 15 characters, enter the last 15. ) In block G38, enter the applicable time and/or cycle preceded by an alpha character. In block G43, if the item is under warranty, enter a W followed by four digits to indicate the length of the warranty period. In block G48, if the item is under warranty, enter an X followed by the last four characters of the contract number.
REMOVED/INSTALLED ITEM BLOCKS. These blocks are completed when recording cannibalization actions or when action taken code P, Q, or R is used, and when action taken code C is used with transaction code 47. No entries are made in these blocks when action taken code is L, N, or S; when the items are removed for check, test, or service; and when the items are reinstalled.
DISCREPANCY BLOCK. Enter a narrative description of the reported discrepancy.
PILOT/INITIATOR BLOCK. The name and rank/rate of the individual who originates the discrepancy is printed in this block.
CORRECTIVE ACTION BLOCK. Enter a narrative description of the action taken to correct the discrepancy.
CF REQ/RFI BLOCK. This is a dual-purpose block for use by the organizational and intermediate maintenance activities. The organizational maintenance enters an X if a check flight
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